MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
3. The association agreed that Goal III, Objective I should read: The colleges will complete a regular systematic evaluation of all originated and hosed courses in regard to the repository course information .
Support- All group members were absent.
Administration-spokesperson Jason Pugh (SBCJC)
1. Mr. Pugh explained to the association that Goal I, Objective 2: “Conduct a consortium external study of MSVCC course quality utilizing traditional measures such as transfer success and grade distribution” is worded as prescribed by Dr. Stonecypher to prevent bias. The content of survey will be determined by evaluation personnel. 2. Mr. Pugh informed the association that the President’s association will meet in May to determine the funding formula for MSVCC. He also reminded the association that the current policies and procedures manual need to be updated.
Mark Smith requested the following of each strategic planning group:
o Send revised electronic copies of each component to him by April 9, 2004.
o Add SACs suggestion numbers in goals where appropriate.
B. D2L Update-Jason Pugh
Mr. Pugh distributed a packet of general information on D2L from John Baker.
Mr. Pugh announced that he has sent a signed contract to D2L. The proposed contract includes the following:
1. Cost of $30,000 for 12 month contract from May 1, 2004-May 1, 2005
2. Training for 16 administrators and 30 instructors; One day training for the administrators and two days for instructors.
3. Assignment of Account Manager
4. Portal, Learning Management System, and Hosting for 1000 student seats
CLCC has agreed to manage the $30,000 payment.
Hinds has agreed to host the administrator and instructor training.
Mark Smith agreed to email the D2L instructor and administrator manuals as requested by DLC’s.
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