MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


Unfinished Business a. Executive report on recommendation for hiring new employee. The committee is still working on the recommendation to hire a support person for the State Board office. The recommendation will be made to Christian soon. The committee will meet on Monday, March 26 th to discuss the recommendation. New Business a. ET Audit Freeze. There is no “freeze” of the Enrollment Tool. So Christian would like for the ELCs to print the Friday of the 8 th week. b. ET Audit System. This item is a correction that was made by Beverlin based on what was said at the February meeting. Auditors will not accept documentation for any reinstates that are made after the cut-off date (Friday of the 6 th week). c. Proctored Tests for second short-term courses. The majority of the colleges that offer short- term courses only test for 1 week. MCCB Business a. Rumors. Hubert Yates is not being hired as a Blackboard Administrator for MCCB. Christian said he wouldn’t make this kind of decision before letting the ELCs know. b. Director of Professional Development and Training position. Christian has advertised this position in numerous places and his goal is to have someone hired and in place by June. c. Blackboard Mobile Learn. There will be a 6 month pilot for Mobile Learn. Currently the Blackboard app can only be accessed by an IOS device, wireless or Sprint customer. But with the pilot the app can be accessed by any device and platform. We should have access to the app sometime in April. d. Blackboard 9.8. Christian will send login information for the Blackboard 9.8 test server. The ELCs will need to make a decision whether to move to forward with Blackboard 9.8 or not by April. Meanwhile, Christian is getting Blackboard to test the snapshot to make sure it will work smoothly with the new version. e. LMS RFP. The process for drafting the RFP for a new LMS is underway. The kick off date is April 13 th at 10 a.m. The decision will be brought to the ELCs for approval. If you hear rumors about the RFP, please contact Christian. Vendors can present during the RFP process. The taskforce that is set to make the decision about the new LMS will be non-biased and very objective when choosing an LMS. f. Wimba Voice Building Block. There are issues with the Wimba Voice building block. Christian will send out an email about this issue and a possible solution.




Committee Reports a. Support Committee—The Support Committee will present on April 2 nd .


Sharing Circle

a. East Mississippi – March– Chris Square b. Holmes-April-Elizabeth Spooner c. ICC-May-Michelle Sumerel


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