MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

The Administration Committee met and discussed the need for a support person for the MCCB office. The committee approved that a MSVCC Systems Administrator should be hired to help with the support that is needed for the Enrollment Tool, Learning Management Systems and any other programs that the ELCs currently use. If there are additional funds at the State Board, Christian will propose for the additional position.


New Business a. Blackboard World Conference. Please email Christian the invoice of the person that the State Board will pay for to attend the Blackboard Summit Conference.


MCCB Business a. Blackboard Service Pack 8. The staging server will be upgraded to SP8 for testing purposes by April 10th. According to Christian, the functionality is the same, but the interface is different. Enrollments for the summer semester will be sent to our production site on Monday, May 21 st . Blackboard will be unavailable for the upgrade on May 19-20. The system should be available on May 21 st . b. Legislation Workshop. Christian proposed that someone from our group present at the Presidents June meeting about the needs of the consortium. Keri Cole will be representing the ELC Association. c. Blackboard Mobile. Christian proposes that we not pilot the Blackboard Mobile app until after the RFP for a new LMS is final. The group agreed. d. RFP Task Force. The RFP Task Force will meet for the first time on April 13 th . e. Deadline for Director of Professional Development and Training position. The deadline for applying for the Director of Professional Development and Training position is on April 13 th . The review committee will look at all applicants and hopefully have the position filled by the end of April. Committee Reports a. Support Committee—Buffy presented a MSVCC Assessment Center Data chart that provided information about the number of Assessment Centers at each college, number of computers at each college, operating hours and the number of online tests that are administered. We need to decide if we need to change the proctoring center standards formula or add a policy about the proctoring center hours. Buffy would like for the colleges proctoring centers to complete the Proctoring Standards Evaluation form each year. b. Administration—The sub-committees list will be modified. Before the May meeting, each of us need to decide which sub-committee we would like to be a part of. Keri will send out a survey which will be used to modify the sub-committee list.


Christian will put the new Strategic Plan manual on the BB Community site. The group will nominate and vote for new officers at the May meeting.


Sharing Circle

a. ICC-May-Michelle Sumerel


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