MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
H. SACS Response- Mark Smith
Mr. Smith reminded the group that the individual college SACS responses are due by April 19, 2004.
Jason Pugh requested that each college send him a copy of their individual SACS response.
Mr. Pugh informed the group that a letter was sent to each community college in the consortium on July 3, 2003. This letter addressed the individual college recommendations, not the state recommendations. The recommendations in the letter are those that should be addressed in the SACS response.
All colleges must respond to SACS recommendation #14
New Business
A. Attaching Files to Proctor Repository-Susan Cumberland
Ms. Cumberland (EMCC) requested that the association look at the possibility of attaching test files to the proctor repository. These test files would eliminate the need for faxing or emailing copies of paper tests.
Mr. Pugh stated that this had been addressed 2 years ago and the size of the files created problems within the repository.
Mr. Pugh also stated that the files would have to be created in PDF format.
B. Topic of the Month: How does each college extract and utilize the Student Report contained in the MSVCC enrollment tool?
Ms. Cumberland posed this question as the topic of the month. Ms. Cumberland would like to export of copy the report to Microsoft Excel and sort by college campus. At this time reformatting of the columns is required to eliminate unneeded data in the columns.
Audra Kimble (Holmes) stated that she copies the report to Microsoft Word and sorts the report by campus to verify withdrawals.
All members of the association use the report to reconcile registration and changes in the student status with the administrative system.
Mark Smith agreed to work with this report in Excel and offer solutions for an easier sorting method.
C. Officer Elections-Mark Smith
Mr. Smith asked the association members to begin thinking of people to be nominated for officers of the association. Margaret Britt (CLCC) will be taking a new position at CLCC and will not be serving as the President-elect.
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