MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

manually update the dates. If the academic year was listed with the Term would cut down confusion. 2012-2013 Fall. Ive was asked to present after lunch to fully explain why he recommended we make the change. d. Standardized Syllabus-Vanessa stated that many of her courses did not have updated syllabi’s posted and she was not opening the online courses until they had posted an updated syllabus. Vanessa wanted to ensure that all the other colleges were still following the standardized syllabus. Many colleges have stated that the syllabus will not always load to the ET. Beverlin has to update some of the syllabi’s manually. ELC’ s can delete textbook and syllabus information if it is out of date. Most of the colleges require that the textbook and syllabus is updated/loaded by the individual instructors and each college sets their own deadlines of when it should be uploaded. Some colleges have the EL office load the textbook and syllabus information. All the ELC’s agreed that we tell the instructors to use the standardized syllabus but it is up to the instructor to ensure that the syllabus meets the requirement but no one goes through and actually checks each syllabus to ensure it meets the requirements. MCCB Business-Christian Pruett a. RFP Update-Christian stated that we have the three finalists and the demos were given last Friday. The three finalists have been ranked with cumulative score. Once ITS has finished the scoring, the sandboxes will open for instructor testing and the instructors will have a couple of weeks to play in the sandboxes. In November we hope to present our recommendation and then the presidents will vote in December to determine which vendor we are going to sign with. Christian asked that we are very involved with the discussions at our local campuses. The LMS will be the only topic of discussion at the Presidents meeting so that there is no confusion or disorganization. Recommendation 10 th or 12 th of December. We are highly recommended to go back to our campuses and inform our faculty of our progress. Christian is going to compose a generic email for us to share with our faculty. He hoped to have that to us tomorrow so we could forward to faculty. Goal is to have contract in January and to start migration by March. Goal is to have faculty into the new platform by mid Spring. If we move platforms we need to ensure faculty know that this is a change and they may lose or gain functionality. Keri asked that we sent her some items that we want faculty to check when they are playing in the sandboxes. We can email these to Keri by Friday morning to add to the checklist. If there are questions from the instructor we can forward those to Christian since we cannot directly answer those. The scoring by faculty will be tied to various sections of the RFP. Scores can be altered on the RFP scoring sheets based on faculty feedback. All ELC’s will have access who have signed and turned in the NDA. We should be able to test out multi-tier/level so that we can see what it will look like if a user is testing out a Hinds course and they are at MGCCC. The plan is to keep Bb through the summer term and go live with a new vender for Fall if we are going to switch so that faculty can train and play from may until August to prepare for the new vendor. We would like the new vendor to be the primary vendor in the summer to work out the kinks. The sandboxes should be displayed in the version that is active. Training-- Administrative training will take place first and then we would have a few options for training faculty on a regional level/local level. Web resources and quick guides are also available. Webinars at the local colleges will also be an option. b. Archiving- Christian will upload an excel sheet in which the data, user enrollment, and content purged. This will be archived and stored on an external hard drive. Template courses should not be purged. We need to flag the courses that should not be purged. We should have this by Friday and we need to let them know by the date Christian posts on which ones should not be purged (i.e. templates, manually built courses, master shells). `



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