MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
2.Mr. Pugh informed the association that if grades are not submitted into the enrollment tool by the deadline, it will be up to each institution to get their grades transferred. The MSVCC will not dictate how this should be accomplished.
3.Mr. Pugh encouraged members to keep documentation on any grade changes. A paper trail is essential.
1.Mr. Pugh reported that the library directors put together a package to buy databases through MSVCC rather than each college having to purchase individual access. Ms. Kathleen Hutchinson and Mr. Pugh will try to provide training this year on MELO. Ms. Hutchinson would like to come to a DLC meeting and give a presentation on MELO. Each college should then coordinate with Kathleen to have her present sessions to online/traditional instructors at no cost to colleges.
1.Ms. Cumberland gave an overview of software called Insite developed by the Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems.
2.Ms. Cumberland is in the process of setting up a demonstration of this software, possibly at the next DLC meeting. The date and location have not yet been determined.
F. LDA’s—deferred
G. Attendance Policies—deferred
H. Test Proctoring Policies
1.Ms. Shows expressed a concern about test proctoring centers with a shortened time frame in the summer are placing a burden on other colleges.
1.Mr. Pugh presented a memo from Dr. Garner relating to the policies for issuing textbooks to MSVCC students.
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