MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


Approval of September Minutes .


Unfinished Business a. Quality Committee Update on criteria sheet for MSVCC instructor of the year

i. Jennifer Leimer - Original nomination form was revised to match criteria selection with nomination criteria; updated form was passed out. The electronic version of the form will be easier to complete. Keri added the rubric, which also match the criteria selection. The electronic form will be beneficial for the evaluators to see instructor scores and do rating. Correction requested to change from Distance Learning Coordinator to eLearning Coordinator. Audra stated that the better written nominations are the ones that win, this offers more specific criteria. Recommendation to accept the revised form with correction was made by Kimberly Ellis; Vanessa Alexander seconded the motion. Motion carried.

b. Items from Retreat: Present findings so that committee can vote

i. Jennifer James: Proctoring Systems (will present at November meeting)

ii. Kim Harris: BFAC 1. The Technology Committee wants to develop best practice and usage guidelines in order to extend options and expand future growth. The committee made a recommendation that MSVCC purchase BFAC for themselves and institution purchase individually. Some concerns that they acknowledged - which population of students being marketed, current or prospective students; will the application interfere with institution's current marketing strategy; how will the implementation affect purchasing and handling of the application; will the application be dedicated only to eLearning. Audra will present the idea to Presidents at meeting next Tuesday. Tish Stewart made recommendation that eLearning purchase the application and each institution opt to get the application by specified deadline; Michele Sumerel seconded the motion. Motion carried.

iii. Keri Cole: Marketing

1. Marketing ideas are being pursued with individual companies and vendors. Budget plan will be taken into consideration to determine future marketing ideas.

iv. Michelle Sumerel: RTR Referral System

1. According to Michelle, the RTR (Referral Tutor Report) System is working well at ICC. Michelle is planning to present the system and findings at Creating Future Through Technology Conference. According to Michelle, the system aligns with MSVCC strategic plan and supports information related to performance funding, retention efforts and completers. The system is instructor driven and students receive referrals to tutoring based on the specific area of need considered high risk. The expected cost decreased from $15,000 to $5,000 per institution via consortium agreement. More conclusive data and discussion next year.


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