MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


Unfinished Business

a. Smarter Proctoring / B-Virtual

i. June 1 st is deadline for developmental issues to be resolved. Students will need to be able to cancel with a click instead of a phone call. There is a need to have a master password report similar to the one we had in the ET as well as need for home institutions exam requirements to be in place with host institution testing. There is also expressed interest in having more administrative abilities on the Smarter Proctoring site. Melody Pennington made motion to move forward with Smarter Proctoring; Kandace Martin seconded motion. Motion carried.


MCCB Business

a. Blackboard Presentation

i. Dan LaFountain, Account Executive and Corey Spivey, Customer Success Advocate, presented new Blackboard 2015. Blackboard 2015 will be browser based and not require java or external downloads. Webinar will be scheduled and Blackboard will work to resolve the MSVCC’s issues with BBIM. i. The floor was opened for questions or problems. Some of the issues discussed were the need for sequential ordering of sections, work area modifications, printing non- verified student profile, need for Dan Dykes report and the naming convention/batch upload of syllabi. Ive requested that all issues be submitted in the form of tickets and want list items be sent to Jennifer James. c. Recording of No Shows in ET i. Audra stated that the new ET will allow users to click No Show which does not require an LDA. The student’s status will either be withdrawn with LDA or No Show without LDA. The status date will be the date the student is processed. d. USM Memorandum of Agreement i. USM is no longer requiring instructor social security numbers. There were no additional items added to the agreement. e. Review of Surveys i. Audra emailed samples of the Course Evaluations, the Statewide Student Services Survey and the Faculty Survey to make sure there were no additional items before submitting to Ive. There were no additional changes. Net Tutor i. Last year we were under hours and were able to carry over about $15,000 to this year. Net Tutor will provide a usage report which will indicate how many additional hours we need to purchase. Keri Cole made motion that Audra go back to ITS to request additional tutoring hours; Jennifer Leimer seconded motion. Motion carried. g. Grants i. Audra is working with Nick Waters, grant writer, to develop a grant for an active learning at each institution and MCCB for training purposes. The presidents are aware of this idea. More information will be gathered and shared within the coming weeks. b. New Enrollment Tool f.

h. MSVCC Academy


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