MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017

with purchasing of RTR but with tutoring hours at 5,000 with option to amend Jennifer James seconded motion. Motion carried

d. Web-conferencing i. MSVCC has free 45 day pilot with Zoom. Audra emailed the link to access Zoom. Very intuitive and easy to use via the link or app compared to BBIM. 50 free users can access web interface. Polling and file transfer are missing at this time. e. BBIM i. Beverlin indicated files are needed when they are asked for in order to make sure they are being sent up correctly. Audra encourage the group to do file uploads for summer. The contract will expire September 31.


MCCB Business a. Dr. Clark’s retirement reception – Monday, June 29 th

i. Everyone is invited to attend the reception at the Muse Center in Pearl 5:30-7:30. Deborah Gilbert will become Interim Director beginning June 30, Dr. Clark’s last day.

b. MILD mini grants i. Follow up form must be completed for audit purposes for FY 15 grant funds by July 1. FY 16 grant application is due July 1. Good examples of grant applications (Mississippi

Gulf Coast Community College and Coahoma Community College) were emailed. $10,000 is maximum amount that can be distributed; even if budget exceeds the maximum. Underspent monies do not have to be returned, use for eLearning purposes.

c. Marketing i. Audra asked group to assure presidents MCCB is not promoting a 16 th college. Instead promoting a collaborate effort to create a uniform message to be branded at each institution. Marketing company will help design and identify best method of marketing. i. Mini Term Usage 1. Audra stated that the dates in the Enrollment Tool are hard dates when things are turned on and off. Other than start, end and census dates, colleges do not have to publicize calendar dates. ii. Dec03 registration 1. Dates do not have to be switched around to address needs of financial aid since none of the colleges are using. d. Calendar


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New Business a. Retest for Proctored Examinations as part of the policy – Jennifer James


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