MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017


Unfinished Business


Action Items a. DEC03 and MAY03 Courses – Voting on the terms to build these classes.

(Refer back to December 2016 minutes for background information on this topic) i. VOTE: Haley Duck made the motion to move DEC03 term to Spring semester, and MAY03 term into Summer semester. Alicia Shows seconded. Motion carried. All in favor, none opposed, no discussion.


Open Forum a. Engaging F2F Faculty with Canvas – Christa Wilhite

i. Christa asked how we get traditional instructors more active with using Canvas. 1. Buffy Matthews mentioned professional development trainings that are required of MGCCC faculty (minimal training is required of all instructors, hybrid instructors are required to take more training, and online instructors have to take maximum training). MGCCC administrators saw the need for using Canvas for communication, especially with the bad weather that comes in South Mississippi. 2. ICC is similar. ICC college policy states that all instructors must use the Canvas gradebook, load the final exam into the files area of the course, and post their syllabus (policy effective Fall 2014). All faculty must go through Canvas training, and has opportunities for refresher trainings. There was some push back, but now everyone is used to it. ICC stated that is is especially nice to have a repository for course files. 3. Kim Harris mentioned ‘Coffee and Canvas’ training to get faculty more involved. b. EDUCAUSE Conference – Kimberly Ellis, Haley Duck, and Holley Harris presented on the EDUCAUSE Conference from October 2016 in Anaheim, California.


Dates for Future MELA Meetings:

a. Wednesday, March 8 (Virtual) b. Wednesday, April 12 (MCCB, Location TBA) c. Wednesday, May 10 (MCCB, 5 th Floor Board Room)




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