MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
notification. Ellene will send a copy of survey for members to preview and develop additional questions etc to add to the survey Richard asked if colleges have a no show policy. State board says that attendance is based on instructor’s statement about activity.
Alicia would like to send out a survey to us about withdrawal policies/deadlines etc.
Support: Jenniffer Wamsley presented the progress of this sub-committee. A. No decisions have been made yet about a help desk solution.
B. Suggested that each school needs to evaluate the proctored testing centers at their college and gave handout on proctoring standards including an evaluation form. Colleges need to evaluate proctoring centers and bring back to dlc association by December. C. Needs analysis—surveys will be reviewed this fall i. Mark asked Jason if we should build one tool that incorporates all areas of strategic plan for a survey instead of sending multiple surveys. ii. Mark asked if dlcs would be willing to add surveys to their courses. Jenniffer suggested that association makes the survey mandatory, but that instructors can “count” it how ever they wish. By January, come up with the questions to put into one single assessment to be put together at the January meeting. Jenniffer encouraged DLCs to respond to each other in a timely manner. iii. Mark suggested a discussion board for strategic areas….Hubert suggested a blackboard shell. Jason said that he could work on it. If you don’t have a separate login for dlc/instructor let Beverlin know. iv. Jenniffer will send survey in an email attachment so that we can send it back electronically. VI. Administration: Audra, external studies have not been done because of lack of funding. Part of goal II has been done ($10 fee). Jason said that studies were handed over to research dept at MSVCC and that since there was no director, these would probably not be done in a timely manner. Library policies are in process of being compiled into a single document to be ready by January A. Audra has compiled a list of colleges who have grievance, honesty, and discipline policies and has begun the process of writing these policies. VII. Quality: Hubert: Committee began with NEA benchmarks of quality…concentrating on the three that relate to Course. Committee Identified 35 statements of quality that will be used to evaluate a course where a certain percentage of these statements must be met to be considered a “quality” course. A. Mark asked how to handle situations where books differ (math etc) Hubert suggested that the traditional course would change to match online B. Mark asked if these evaluations would replace the evaluations that we have to do now. Hubert stated that this would not work until there was a uniform numbering system and competencies. C. Other goals are ongoing. VIII. Richard asked for a list of contacts at each college. Jason recommended that Richard start a list of all dl personnel. Richard will also start a bookstore contact list. IX. Provide another committee update at November meeting. X. New Business A. Bookstore Manager Issue— B. Proctored Testing Issues—please encourage your instructors to incorporate any additional software needs during testing.
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