MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
complete package that includes content repository, portal etc. Whereas many of these built in features are only provided in Blackboard when purchased at an additional cost. 2. Mr. Pugh stated that the budget would be revisited next month and that this would have some bearing on decisions with licensing and D2L. 3. Mr. Kynerd asked what the forecast is for D2L over the next few years. Mr. Kynerd asked that we revisit hosting our own Blackboard server. Mr. Kynerd is concerned about the impact on 26,000 students plus instructors with making a change in platforms. Mr. Pugh suggested that we could revisit hosting options with Blackboard now that Blackboard is willing to give alternatives for hosting. Mr. Pugh agreed that we need to look at other alternatives to Blackboard's hosting the server. 4. Mr. Smith indicated that no problems have been experienced with D2L. In Blackboard, however, the problems have been tremendous. Instructors are ready to move away from Blackboard and students are losing confidence in the system. Mr. Smith is concerned that Blackboard does not know why they have problems and cannot resolve the issues. 5. Ms Shows asked why blackboard isn't adequately preparing for the load that we experience at the beginning of every term. Mr. Yates suggested that we stagger starting dates for the term--perhaps by college. Mr. Smith indicated that this would be difficult to enforce and could potentially be a nightmare for technical support/DL staff at each college. K. Blackboard Portal Deployment & Content System 1. Pricing for adding the Content System will be explored. 2. DLCs have the ability to edit the portal modules, tabs, and tools. Once Ms. Kimble creates modules, .DLCs can edit them. If additional modules are needed, contact Ms. Kimble. A. Faculty Completion of Surveys-Mark Smith 1. Ms. McCrimon asked what we can do to increase participation in surveys. For those that are successful, what are you doing? 2. Mr. Smith stated that he sent emails to instructors who haven't completed the survey. Mr. Smith also discussed the system-wide discussion item in D2L "Help us improve online program" which allows us to get some additional data. 3. There was a general discussion about reasons for low participation: timing, mechanism being used, having to log into profile. 4. Mr. Smith added that one instructor withheld the password for the final until the survey had been completed. B. MSVCC Calendar-Terri Windham 1. Ms. Windham requested that dates be removed on the MSVCC Calendar online and instead add a statement to contact the local college for registration dates. Mr. Pugh stated that we could try to make it clearer, but that we could not change dates. 2. General discussion about when individual colleges open and close registration. Ms. Shows suggested that we reconsider the MSVCC start date for registration since Jones was the reason for the early registration. Ms. Kimble will look further into this. C. Bookstore Policy-Ellene McCrimon 1. Most agreed that the new bookstore policy seems to be working well. 2. Mr. Smith stated that some textbooks do not have publisher information listed in course information. Mr. Smith encouraged DLCs to compete all fields. 3. Mr. Pugh urged members to make sure that local business managers and bookstore managers have copies of the new policy.
IV. Unfinished business
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