MELA Meeting Minutes 2003 - 2017
2005 – February V1 Distance Learning Coordinator’s Association Wednesday, February 9, 2005 Minutes
A meeting of the Distance Learning Coordinator’s Association was held on Wednesday, February 9, 2005 in the Conference Room at the State Board for Junior and Community Colleges building in Jackson, MS.
Attendance was as follows:
Letha Richards Laura Lofton Terri Windham Andrea Scott Pam Hemphill
Copiah Lincoln
East Central
East Mississippi
Absent Absent
Itawamba Meridian
Hubert Yates
Mississippi Delta
Jackie Bailey-Hall Jennifer Leimer
Mississippi Gulf Coast
Northeast Northwest Pearl River Southwest
Absent Absent
Janice Poole
Audra Kimble and Beverlin Givens
CALL TO ORDER. Ellene McCrimon called the meeting to order at 10:03.
II. The minutes from the association meeting on Wednesday, September 1 were approved as presented.
Director's report
a. Ms. Kimble asked that members send her any additions to be added to the portal page b. Please include detailed accounts of problems when reporting including BB ID. Error codes and step by step detail of when problem occurs c. CFTTC March 6-8. Representatives from BB will be there, possibly D2L. The association will not meet in March since many members will be attending the CFTTC conference. d. Policies and Procedures reminder. Asked if there were comments or questions. Please submit recommendations or changes to Ms. Kimble in writing by the end of March. e. Janice Poole asked if there was a minimum set of standards in MSVCC used to evaluate courses. There is a basic format in the Policies and Procedures Manual on Page 43, but it should probably be refined to meet each institution's need.
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