MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
Northeast MS CC
Kim Harris
President Elect Pearl River CC
Kimberly Ellis
East Central CC
Christa Wilhite
Call to order 9:00am
Approval of May Minutes
Buffy Matthews made the motion/Kimberly Ellis seconded. Motion Passed.
Approval of June Agenda
Buffy Matthews made the motion/Marie Roberts seconded. Motion Passed
New Business
A. Krista LeBrun:
1. Contract Updates FY 2019 a. Link Systems (LS): Was contracted prior to ITS involvement. LS has questioned being billed for hours used because the contract does not indicate that is an option. We purchase hours in advance instead. Content to be amended to exhaust hours we have rolled over from previous year. Currently 30k hours in queue. We are required to go to RFP if we do not renew with LS for NetTutor contract, and ITS is backed up on RFPs. Would not be able to complete RFP by 2019. LS does not have to allow us to extend contract. MCCB does not want there to be a loss of service to the institutions. Recommendation not to extend RTR contract but amend for use of hours. LS is supposedly revamping RTR and being innovative, was going to present at the Retreat, but LS is not on the agenda for the retreat. Holmes willing to move away from RTR. They are the only ones using it for developmental education classes. The course navigators refer students to tutoring if they aren’t turning in assignments, etc. b. Respondus: Vote to renew at Retreat 2018. Can continue as single source if we renew. May need to look at doing away with TestGen, etc. No usage reports for Respondus. They have been requested multiple times. c. TurnItIn: Expires in October 2019. Currently sole source. Will need to vote to renew at Retreat 2018. Level of support, etc, has greatly improved with the monthly calls.
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