MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
B. Shalon Farris: 1. SmarterProctoring (SP) Update – No updates since June 1 st email. Technology Committee is exploring additional proctoring options. Searching for a scheduling piece with an open API that will integrate with Canvas for reports and quiz data. Will need to go with RFP if we move away from SP, but due to cancellation date, it would be beneficial to move forward with RFP without cancelling the contract. Two potential vendors: TimeEdit and Appointment Plus. 2. MILD Grant FY 2018 Follow Up Form: Due June 30 th .. Will extend due date to July 31 st , to assist the colleges. 3. Monthly Vendor Call Discussion: Once a month calls with Canvas and TurnItIn, NetTutor and SP every two months. Agendas will be collected so Colleges can decide whether or not to log in. Send in suggestion for calls to Shalon Farris. 4. Attendance Tool Feature Requests: Updates to Feature Requests in MELA site; will give time to vote and allow Ive to work on the various components. 1. Canvas Catalog implementation (colleges): Developer will work with each college. Tentative date is TBD, possibly August/September. Recommendation made by Canvas to standardize template design that will still allow customization to a certain extent. This will make the implementation and coding easier on the colleges. Still add logo, graphics, links, etc. Vote needed by July MELA meeting. 2. MSVCC Academy Catalog Rebranding: Academy will be revamping their catalog for future use. 3. Quality Matters contract and next steps: Board will approve QM this week; already approved by ITS. Finance Division will submit payment, and we will go live at that point. Infographic outlines rollout plan, and colleges can use it as much or as little as they need internally. Infographic will be posted in MELA course for reference and planning. C. Brooke Doggett: 1. MILD Grant Update: Buffy Matthews made the motion to update the MILD Grant to include the $4k to be used for web conferencing in FY19. Tish Stewart seconded motion. 13 schools present. 11 votes YES. 2 Abstained. Motion Passed. 2. NWN Integration: Buffy Matthews made the motion to set a hard date for NWN to move forward with integration. If it is not done by the end of this week (stated in meeting with NWN), then MSVCC will move forward with cancelling the contract. June 15, 2018 will be deadline for full integration to begin proof of concept. Seconded by Kimberly Ellis. 13 present. 11 votes YES. 2 Abstain. Motion Passed. Action Items
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