MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
potential burden to students if the tutoring service were terminated with no alternative solution. While the majority of the consortium has no need nor significate previous usage of RTR, agreement to extend RTR, if required, represents the most fiscally responsible option. Krista asked the group to refrain from publically discussing the terms and conditions of Amendment #3 until fully executed. Once both parties agree to the conditions and the Amendment has been signed, Krista will notify the consortium. d. ARC Sandbox—vast improvements have been made to ARC. We have access to an ARC Sandbox course. Shalon will check on how to give everyone access.. Quote for using ARC is $2.10 per FTE, which is a 32% increase from previous quote ($1.60 per FTE). An updated quote is now priced at $1.27 FTE with 3% year over year increase. For five years, it would cost $564,140.53. Cost for Year 1 $83,981.93, Year 2 $112,278--$1.75 per FTE, Year 3 $115,486.20--$1.80 per FTE, Year 4 $118.694.15--$1.85 per FTE, and Year 5 $133,700--$1.91 per FTE. ARC will require an amendment to our existing Instructure contract and would require a que for RFP through ITS. e. TII Renewal Quote—TII expires Sept. 2019, Respondus expires July 2019. TII 3 year quote $556,007.71 We will have to review pricing after December. Pricing is comparable to what has been done in the past. Respondus 3-year quote is $157,253. Krista is unable to get usage reports for Respondus. TII and Respondus will expire in 2019, so if we desire to continue service with these vendors, we will need to vote at the next meeting if possible to secure a spot with ITS. C. Brandi McCraw—The Support Committee is making a motion to approve the proposed ET role changes that were reviewed by the Support Committee. The proposed ELC Assistant Role functionality is different because it was looked at by the committee as a part time proctor rather than an administrative assistant. The ELC Assistant role functionality will be reviewed and updated based on the needs of the colleges who use this role. All colleges except Coahoma and PRCC have the ELC Assistant Role. Brandi will work with all colleges to determine what changes need to be made to the current ELC Assistant role; it will be resent to the group for overall review and an electronic vote will be taken.
Action Items
A. The Instructional Committee is making the motion to reserve a spot in the RFP queue for a proctoring service. Tequila has several things in the Queue for RFP. Reserve spot in queue for alternative proctoring service if needed. Buffy Matthews seconded motion. Motion carried.
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