MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
Kimberly Ellis
President Elect ICC
Denise Gillespie
Ashley Beard
Call to order 8:15 am
II. Approval of September Minutes- Buffy Matthews made the motion to approve the August minutes. Tish Stewart seconded. Motion carried
III. Approval of October Agenda—Denise Gillespie made the motion to approve the September agenda. Christa Wilhite seconded. Motion carried
Unfinished Business
New Business
1. MACJC Recommendations from the September MACJC meeting—Krista LeBrun
Presidents voted and approved three recommendations as we move forward with the current MSVCC funding formula. Presidents agreed to run the full year under the current formula; they voted and approved a second year of hold harmless. Presidents have asked to receive full utilization reports for services and software purchased by MSVCC. Krista and Shalon have requested utilization reports for FY18. The Presidents will prioritize services and software and ranking services based on utilization, and they will now be included in services adoption process so that they can become more active in the purchasing process. Librarians need to know that we need the most comprehensive MELO reports. Usage can’t be determined by looking at clicks only due to some schools having lower enrollment.
2. eBook update—Krista LeBrun
EBooks may impact funding formula; therefore the Presidents decided to postpone developing an eBook committee. If this is a problem for individual
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