MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
There was discussion regarding Proctor U providing students and proctors with exam attachments. Buffy Matthews made the motion that only the proctors have access to exam attachments. Jennifer James seconded. Motion passed.
2. Quality Letters—
Address to “All Participants” and post to a discussion board assignment in Canvas Shalon will create Discussion Board assignment in MELA course in Canvas; each school will submit their letter in Canvas
3. Krista mentioned that Turnitin and Respondus contracts are up for renewal. Canvas ARC is also up for adoption. We will need to look at voting on these at the November meeting. Krista will share information on other consortium models at the November MELA meeting.
Future Meetings
A. November: Wednesday, November 14—Holmes’ McGowan Workforce Center in Ridgeland, 10:00 a.m. B. December: No meeting C. January: Wednesday, January 9—Zoom
Adjournment 10:06 a.m.
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