MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
5. Shalon—MSVCC Control Dates Fall 2019-Summer 2020 have been built in ET. Shalon requested the group to spot check dates and notify her if any corrections need to be made.
Action Items 1. Turnitin Renewal—was ranked fairly high on the priority list. It expires 10/25/19. The quote does include training at the retreat and online training sessions. If we wish to renew, we can go ahead and get in the queue. Kerri Cole requested to include individual college voting responses to present to Dr. Stewart. The group agreed to publish votes. a. Tish Stewart made the motion to vote on TII renewal. Christa Wilhite seconded. b. The recommendation is to renew TII. 2. Respondus Renewal a. Tish made the motion to vote on Test Generator renewal. Marie Roberts seconded. b. Tish made the motion to vote on LDB renewal. Kim Harris seconded. c. The recommendation is not to renew LDB and Test Generator.
3. Canvas ARC Adoption (requires Instructure Amendment)
a. Allen—ARC does what a lot of faculty are asking for in one place. b. Krista—ARC helps us comply with many ADA requirements. We currently do not have a consortium wide ADA tool. We can get in the queue for a placeholder if we are interested in this feature; if we choose not to proceed, c. Amanda Hood made the motion to adopt Canvas ARC, Christa Wilhite seconded. d. Krista will start including handouts from each meeting as attachments to MELA course. e. The recommendation is to adopt Canvas ARC
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