MELA Meeting Minutes 2018
3. Sharing Session between all colleges 4. Admin. Committee—2020-2021 Calendar
a. The deans will need the calendar in February. Review the copy Tish sent out and let her know if there are any changes needed. We will vote on the calendar in January.
5. Tish—ET Drops
a. We need to be checking the drop reports on a regular basis.
6. Tish—Spring Break 2019
a. Spring break will throw some of us off because that’s when our 1 st 8 Week session ends, 2 nd 8 week session begins, and 15 Week midterms take place. How will schools be contacted if there are any testing issues? Each school will be giving a contact phone number for a point of contact.
7. Tish—Course evaluation
The group discussed various methods of completing course evaluations.
8. Tish—Survey from the presidents
a. Instructors are told they have to have a Library component in their classes. MELO should have only been counted one time on the survey. 9. Motion made to accept the ET Roles and the access of each role. All of the schools approved to accept the changes.
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