MELA Meeting Minutes 2019
MELA Meeting Minutes 2019
Table of Contents
I. 2019 MELA Minutes ............................................................................................................. 3 2019 – January .................................................................................................................................3 2019 – February ...............................................................................................................................6 2019 – April ....................................................................................................................................13 2019 – May.....................................................................................................................................18 2019 – July......................................................................................................................................21 2019 – September ..........................................................................................................................26 2019 – October...............................................................................................................................30 2019 – November...........................................................................................................................34
2019 MELA Minutes 2019 – January MS eLearning Association Minutes Wednesday, January 9, 2019 Via Zoom: College/Association Representative(s) Coahoma Community College Joseph McKee Copiah Lincoln Community College Amanda Hood East Central Community College Christa Wilhite East Mississippi Community College Hinds Community College Kerri Cole Holmes Community College
Nancy Parkerson, Tish Stewart, Alan Kinsey
Itawamba Community College
Tequila Sunrise, Brandi McCraw, Denise Gillespie
Jones College
Ashley Beard
Meridian Community College
Marie Roberts, Holly Harris
Mississippi Delta Community College Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Northeast Mississippi Community College
Buffy Matthews, Jennifer Leimer
Kim Harris, Sabine Zabarovska
Northwest Mississippi Community College
Phyllis Johnson, Kim Steinman, Stacey Smith
Pearl River Community College
Kimberly Ellis, Michele Mitchell
Southwest Mississippi Community College MS Community College Board
Krista LeBrun, Shalon Farris, Brooke Doggett
*Asterisk denotes attended online.
Kimberly Ellis
President Elect ICC
Denise Gillespie
Ashley Beard
Call to order 9:00 am
II. Approval of November Minutes- Buffy Matthews made the motion to approve the November minutes. Tis Stewart seconded. Motion carried
III. Approval of January Agenda—Buffy Matthews made the motion to approve the January agenda. Tish Stewart seconded. Motion carried
Unfinished Business
New Business
1. Krista LeBrun—Contractual services will be reviewed voted on at the MACJC meeting on January 22 nd 2. Shalon Farris a. Trello Boards for Issues—Trello is free and provides transparency on support issues. Videos and guides are available. Everyone has access to the MSVCC Trello group. All support issues (Canvas, ET, etc.) need to be posted in Trello. b. Still working with Canvas on Catalog implementation. Progress is being made. Also trying to develop a best practices document. Shalon would like to meet with everyone Tuesday, January 15 th , to discuss best practices. a. MSVCC Academy Training Schedule and P&P—There are only two TEO courses currently scheduled due to upcoming budget cuts and trying to show in good faith the effort to be fiscally responsible. The group is not sure if this enough due to demand of the courses. Many schools have already posted the previous Academy schedule and this causes a hardship to have to cancel sessions. The Catalog does provide a waiting list that can be used to determine the need for specific offerings. The waiting list is not ideal because it does not auto-enroll participants. Brooke will provide the group with a spreadsheet of previous course offerings, enrollment, and instructor pay. The modified Spring Academy schedule is the final schedule of offerings. 3. Brooke Doggett
b. Fall 2018 Course Evaluations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
c. Fall 2018 Webinar Evaluations
d. Needs Assessment (Complete by January 18 th )—Only three colleges have completed the assessment (Links to an external site.) e. CFTTC—Brooke is going to review agenda with Dr. LeBrun and will send to the group once Tina and Ray are comfortable with it.
Action Items--None
Open Forum
a. Dates for 2019 MELA Retreat—Denise Gillespie will email the group to vote on options. We’ve previously used some of our funds to pay for one hotel room per college. Are there other considerations for use of funds for vendors rather than hotel rooms? b. ET Registration Question—Christa Wilhite—struggling to find open seats for students while the ET is not working efficiently. Some of the schools offered to allow enrollment in their classes to help with this issue. c. Admin Committee previously emailed calendars. An email will be sent to vote on approval. d. Meeting participants who indicated attending CFTTC—Jennifer Leimer, Buffy Matthews, Christa Wilhite, Marie Roberts, Joseph McKee, Holly Harris, Phyllis Johnson, Tequila Sunrise e. Meeting participants who indicated not attending CFTTC—Stacey Smith, Tish Stewart, Alan Kinsey, Keri Cole, VIII. Future Meetings A. February 13, 2019: Zoom Meeting B. March 6-8, 2019: Creating Futures Through Technology Conference a. Register Here: C. March 20, 2019: (Tentative Zoom Meeting) D. April 10, 2019: Strategic Planning, Face-to-Face Meeting (Location TBA)
Adjournment 10:06 a.m.
2019 – February eLearning Coordinators Association Minutes Wednesday, February 13, 2019 Via Zoom: College/Association Representative(s) Coahoma Community College Joseph McKee Copiah Lincoln Community College Amanda Hood East Central Community College Christa Wilhite, Joan Grimes East Mississippi Community College Chris Square Hinds Community College Kerri Cole, Jennifer James Holmes Community College Nancy Parkerson, Tish Stewart Itawamba Community College
Tequila Sunrise, Brandi McCraw, Denise Gillespie
Jones College Meridian Community College
Marie Roberts, Holly Harris
Mississippi Delta Community College Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Northeast Mississippi Community College Northwest Mississippi Community College
Buffy Matthews, Jennifer Leimer
Sabine Zabarovska
Phyllis Johnson
Pearl River Community College
Michele Mitchell
Southwest Mississippi Community College
Alicia Shows
MS Community College Board
Krista LeBrun, Shalon Farris, Brooke Doggett
*Asterisk denotes attended online. Office
Kimberly Ellis
President Elect ICC
Denise Gillespie
Ashley Beard
Call to order 9:00 am
II. Approval of January Minutes - Tish asked that the January minutes reflect the change of meeting type for the February Meeting. January minutes state that the February meeting was scheduled as a Face-to-Face meeting, but is being conducted via Zoom. Tish Stewart made the motion to approve the January minutes. Christa Wilhite seconded. Motion carried . III. Approval of February Agenda —Christa Wilhite made the motion to approve the February agenda. Joseph McKee seconded. Motion carried. IV. Unfinished Business V. New Business
1. Krista LeBrun
a. SmarterMeasure Contract Update – SmarterMeasure was one of the services cut by the MACJC vote in January. They want to ensure that there are no costs to the current cuts beyond the current year. The SmarterMeasure contract is set to expire in March 2019. Krista has negotiated an agreement with SmarterServices to extend the SmarterMeasure service through June 30, 2019, so that we are not cutting a service in the middle of a term. No payment will be made after March 2019. This will also give interested schools time to adopt the service locally. It anyone is interested in purchasing local licenses, please contact Mac directly. Krista has reached out to all vendors affected by the budget cuts and is also working with ITS to get contract amendments documented correctly. All vendors contacted, specifically AspireEdu and SmarterServices are willing to negotiate a reduced rate for all schools interested in adopting the services locally. Krista will share the survey results with the MELA group so that those institutions can work with the vendors on rates for local implementation. Based on the current cuts, schools will receive one half of the funds (approximately $27,000/each) and the other half will be based on FTE. These funds will go through Ed Tech appropriations. Each school’s president will determine how this money is used. b. MELO Report – the Library Deans and Directors met on Friday, February 8 th for their bi-annual meeting. At this meeting they provided us with an overall usage report for the databases currently in use. There was
discussion on the discrepancies in the numbers being reported, because some statistics were based solely on students accessing the resources through the MSVCC verses those accessing by institution. Please have discussions with your librarians to ensure that all statistics are accurately depicting usage at your institutions. We do not want schools to lose services because of inaccurate statistics. The usage statistics are attached to the February agenda in the MELA course: current-agenda?module_item_id=8184971 . The Library Deans and Directors provided the FY 2020 MELO Grant Request at this meeting. The original request still included the CREDO and LYRASIS (CQ Researcher) databases, which were cut from the budget during the January MACJC meetings. The FY 2020 proposal does show a 3% increase in pricing. With the updated quote, not including CREDOT and LYRASIS, the total budget request is $375,986.42. This is a $25,349.79 savings from FY 2019. Krista did inform the group that while no current cap was placed on the MELO grant, there were discussions about a cap in the future. Krista and Buffy encouraged the group to include the following information when reporting on these databases: (1) brief overview of the service, (2) the importance of those services to particular programs or courses, (3) accurate usage statistics, (4) is the database tied to your SACSCOC reporting, (5) training opportunities for increasing usage. There was also brief discussion on the funding for Magnolia, with cuts coming from the legislature and schools having to help fund the system. The Library Deans and Directors are looking at alternatives to EBSCO databases, hoping to decrease the cost of the services while keeping the resources that schools are accustom to having. The MACJC would like to finalize future budgets at their meeting on February 26 th . Krista would like to present the MELA decision on the FY 2020 MELO Grant at this time. We would either need a vote today, or an electronic vote prior to that meeting. The MELA group requests that the Library Deans and Directors Association continue to address usage statistics, as well as other alternatives for databases, to ensure we are budget conscious. Christa Wilhite made the motion to accept the FY 2020 MELO Grant. Buffy Matthews seconded. Motion carried .
2. Shalon Farris
a. Canvas Catalog Admin Course – Shalon has developed a self-paced course to familiarize MSVCC Canvas Administrators on Canvas Catalog. The course is divided into three Lessons: (1) Lesson 1: Overview, (2) Lesson 2: Summary of Best Practices, (3) Lesson 3: Catalog Branding
Implementation. It is currently open for registration through the Academy. You can sign up at The course is titled “Canvas Catalog Admin Training Course.” When registering for the course be sure to use your Canvas credentials and use promo code 72XTPR . Canvas will continue to do some admin training, but Shalon wanted to provide this self-paced course for those with questions during her absence. Based on the feedback provided after this training, more self-paced courses may become available in the future. Example would be ET Administrative training, etc. Please be sure to complete the survey after you’ve completed the training. a. MSVCC Academy Participants Minimum Requirements – Because of the new budget contracts on the Academy, minimum requirements have been set for both webinars and courses. In order for a webinar to be taught, five or more participants must be logged into the session. If fewer than five log in, we are having to cancel those sessions on the spot. There must be eight or more participants enrolled for courses (TEO I, TEO II) to run. If you use the Academy, please let your instructors know of these changes. We also ask that you let your faculty know the importance of attending if they have signed up for a webinar and/or course. Brooke is extending the due date on the Academy Needs Assessment Survey. Please submit this to her by Friday, February 22 nd . This will be used to determine future Academy offerings. Also, if you would like to be represented in the MELT group, please include your representative and contact information on the MELT google sheet at HRgjTN6XZt0uPBx-51kU/edit?usp=sharing . Brooke has been working closely with Dr. Lebrun on Academy updates and changes. There is a trend on the decrease of webinar participants in the spring, related to basic Canvas training. We may consider only offering those webinars at the start of the fall term, where more in depth webinars can be offered in the spring. For example, ADA was recently offered and had 29 participants present. We’ve seem similar representation in other webinars.
3. Brooke Doggett
Shout out to Coahoma Community College! They have been well represented this spring in the Academy offerings.
VI. Action Items 1. New SmarterServices Proposal, excluding SmarterMeasure (Tequila Sunrise) – following the recent cut of the SmarterMeasure service, our group was required to get an updated quote for the SmarterProctoring and RegisterBlast services. The updated proposal is a three-year contract totaling $447,740. This proposal includes a 6% increase in year one, with a 3% increase in years two and three. This is an improvement from the original proposal provided, which Krista negotiated down to a more reasonable quote. The Instructional Technology Committee makes the motion to renew the three-year contract with SmarterServices and cancel the current RFP through ITS. Christa Wilhite seconded the motion. Motion Carried . The SmarterServices proposal is attached to the February agenda in the MELA course: current-agenda?module_item_id=8184971 . VII. Open Forum a. Attendance in ET (Tish) – There was discussion on the schools using the “Request to Drop” feature in the MSVCC ET verses sending emails to schools when reporting drops, withdrawals, and no-shows. Most schools are reporting these drops in ET. Michele stated that she thought PRCC may be the only school not currently using the Request to Drop feature in the ET. However, she plans to have this in place for summer 2019. She is in the process of making several changes to their processes. All schools will be using the Request to Drop feature by summer 2019. FOLLOW-UP: After the meeting, old MELA minutes and the MSVCC Policies and Procedures Manual were reviewed with regard to attendance in the MSVCC ET. Please review the following: a. February 2018 MELA Minutes - page 5 in the original minutes, page 12 in the combined minutes provided in MELA course. minutes-2018?module_item_id=8054737 .
b. MSVCC Policies and Procedures Manual – page 23. procedures-manual-revised?module_item_id=8558985 .
b. College Holiday Schedule Google Doc (Tish) – We have a college holiday google doc saved in our MELA Canvas course. Please update your college’s schedule on this document and include a contact person and phone number in case a test/password doesn’t work when our colleges are closed. To update the Google doc, please go to .
VIII. Future Meetings A. March 6-8, 2019: Creating Futures Through Technology Conference – MCCB will get a new list of attendees this week to ensure everyone has the appropriate code, and that all codes are being used. Please note that anyone presenting has a different code for their registration, they will not be using the ELC code. a. Register Here: B. March 20, 2019: Tentative Zoom March 20 th – Cancelled C. April 10, 2019 at 10:00a.m.: Strategic Planning, Face-to-Face Meeting a. Location: Holmes Ridgeland – McGowen Center IX. Adjournment 10:15 a.m.
2019 – April eLearning Coordinators Association Minutes Wednesday, April 10, 2019 Holmes Community College Ridgeland Campus McGowan Workforce Building College/Association Representative(s) Coahoma Community College Joseph McKee Copiah Lincoln Community College Amanda Hood East Central Community College Christa Wilhite East Mississippi Community College Hinds Community College Kerri Cole, Jennifer James Holmes Community College
Nancy Parkerson, Tish Stewart, Alan Kinsey
Itawamba Community College
Tequila Sunrise, Brandi McCraw, Denise Gillespie
Jones College
Ashley Beard
Meridian Community College
Marie Roberts, Holly Harris
Mississippi Delta Community College
Brenda Bridgers
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Northeast Mississippi Community College
Buffy Matthews, Jennifer Leimer
Kim Harris, Sabine Zabarovska
Northwest Mississippi Community College
Phyllis Johnson, Kim Steinman, Stacey Smith
Pearl River Community College
Kimberly Ellis, Michele Mitchell
Southwest Mississippi Community College
Alicia Shows
MS Community College Board
Krista LeBrun
*Asterisk denotes attended online. Office
Kimberly Ellis Denise Gillespie
President Elect ICC
Ashley Beard
Call to order 10:02 am
II. Approval of February Minutes- Christa Wilhite made the motion to approve the February minutes. Marie Roberts seconded. Motion carried
III. Approval of April Agenda—Phyllis Johnson made the motion to approve the April agenda. Jennifer James seconded. Motion carried
Unfinished Business
New Business
1. Krista LeBrun
i. Update on Shalon’s Return—April 22 nd will be Shalon’s return date. Her schedule will be flexible. ii. MILD Grant Application (Deadline: April 26, 2019)—These have been made public. iii. ET Requests/Updates (Table until May for Shalon)—Shalon has a process and procedure for this. Please keep submitting and Shalon will review in May. iv. Update from MACJC Meeting 2. TII— Contract expires in October. To ensure contract is in place will add to the ITS Queue. Will work to align all contracts with the fiscal year to streamline the process of for when MACJC reviews contracts and budgets annually 3. MELO— As previously discussed, removal of Lyrasis and Credo. Cost for FY20 $375K. Talked with chair of MELO about offering training about the MELO services and will explore that more in the next few months. MACJC stated they would review all aspects of MSVCC contracts, including MELO, on an annual basis to determine which contracts need to be re-evaluated. 4. SmarterServices— This contract was done a little earlier than normal but that is due to the possible RFP and budget reviews. Will add this to the ITS queue in late Summer 2019. 5. Catalog down time for infrastructure revisions and re-branding— Shalon will be restructuring the infrastructure. To do this, Catalog has to be disabled. This will be done in the middle of June (potentially 6/13 or 6/14). We will be offering TEO I & II this summer. Both start May 13 due to having to bring down Canvas Catalog in June. TEO I is tentatively scheduled for July 15 with Jennifer Leimer and TEO II is tentatively scheduled or August 20 with Kimberly Ellis. 6. Budget for PD—The budget for PD was reduced to $20,000. Let Krista know if there are specific needs. Data for past enrollments, surveys, needs assessment, etc will be used to determine offering. v. Update on PD:
7. Needs Assessment-- Director of PD for the agency will be assisting with creating a comprehensive Needs Assessment, so I will send out that link once the survey is complete. Will use that data plus past enrollment numbers, surveys, evaluations, and any information the group shares to provide PD for FY20. 8. Timeline Goal for IDD Specialist—Not replacing the IDD Specialist position, but there is a position that will report directly to Shalon. 9. Summer 2019 a. TEO I—May 13 –June 14 Buffy b. TEO II (August 20?) c. MELO Training 10. Fall 2019 a. TEO I (July 15) b. TEO II (August 20?) c. MELO Training—Krista can create a short survey asking about the MELO training needs. MELO group has expressed great concern over their budget cuts and want to ensure training is provided if there is a need. 11. Timeline—All instances will have ARC available. Sandboxes are available to add faculty for training. ARC training is scheduled for May 8. This will be open for faculty and admin. Canvas Admin training will be scheduled for June 5 th . Shalon will be able to walk everyone through the LTI installation if needed. Krista will send timeline to everyone. 12. Online Workforce (FYI in case Workforce Directors seek input)— Workforce directors are exploring online offerings as a modality to offering training. A taskforce was put in place comprised of directors of Workforce from the colleges. I have recommended that they get some members of eLearning to serve on the taskforce to provide expertise on Canvas administration, online learning, etc. so your director of Workforce may reach out to you. This is still very much in its infancy stages so I don’t have much to report on but wanted you to be aware in case you get a phone call.
vi. Update on ARC
Keri Cole—Our group needs to be involved in those conversations as many of our files at institutions will need to be rewritten due to excluding Workforce courses.
2. Action Items a. MELA Officer Elections will be conducted in May. Email nominations for Secretary and President-Elect to Tish Stewart ( ) by May 1.
3. Open Forum
a. Marketing for Military presentation by Dr. Tim Lea (Amanda Hood)—Director of Veterans Affairs at CLCC. CLCC changed some of their marketing material to include veterans to capture their interest in online classes. Colleges from across the nation at Camp Shelby. Bellevue University and Columbia College were present—Dr. Lea noticed soldiers in attendance and were most attracted to brochures that featured military marketing materials. Dr. Lea proposed that MSVCC consider marketing services for all community colleges in an effort to attract more students to online classes. Keri Cole-- the substantive change to be able to advertise completing an AA degree online for the consortium has been reviewed and approved.
Some colleges are seeking separate degrees for various pathways. This may lead to an individual substantive change for those pathways.
b. CSS for Removing To Do List…Pros and Cons (Christa Wilhite
Jennifer Leimer---you can’t trust custom Java script. When Canvas decides to change, the custom script goes away leaving us to find another way. Instructors are responsible for explaining to students how to navigate their course(s).
Buffy Matthews—If you set up modules so that they have to go through the progression of the module, this forces the student to go to modules rather than relying on the To Do List.
Marie Roberts—It had been removed for her faculty, but they requested to have it reinstated.
c. “Regional” Turnitin presentation on Contract Cheating/Different Types of Cheating (Christa Wilhite) ECCC has a proven case of contract cheating. Is there interest in sending faculty to a statewide meeting with Turnitin. A virtual session was suggested to be more accommodating to faculty members.
d. Marie Roberts—scheduled downtime for state board equipment moving will be a hardship for students in a 4-week online session. The MELA group will suggest moving the dates
Amanda Hood—Who uses lead instructors? Share staff positions for eLearning Office.
ECCC-eLearning Staff has three members but do not use lead online instructors Hinds—eLearning, DLC, Instructional Technology Team, Design Team, Media Services NEMCC—Subject coordinators who deal with students, 4 FT staff members, Asst ELC, secretary, FT Proctor, Technical services
***The committes provided updates and provided a link to a GoogleDoc.
4. Future Meetings
A. Wednesday, May 8 (9 am) via Zoon B. Wednesday, June 12 (9 am) via Zoom C. September 11-13 (Bootcamp in Tupelo)
5. Adjournment 10:06 a.m.
2019 – May eLearning Coordinators Association Minutes Wednesday, May 8, 2019 Via Zoom:
Coahoma Community College Copiah Lincoln Community College
Amanda Hood
East Central Community College
Christa Wilhite
East Mississippi Community College Hinds Community College
Keri Cole, Jennifer James
Holmes Community College
Nancy Parkerson, Tish Stewart
Itawamba Community College Jones College Meridian Community College
Tequila Sunrise, Denise Gillespie
Marie Roberts, Holly Purvis
Mississippi Delta Community College
Brenda Bridgers
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Northeast Mississippi Community College
Buffy Matthews, Jennifer Leimer
Kim Harris, Sabine Zabarovska
Phyllis Johnson, Kim Steinman, Stacey Smith, Jessica Hicks Bunyard
Northwest Mississippi Community College
Pearl River Community College
Kimberly Ellis, Michele Mitchell
Southwest Mississippi Community College MS Community College Board
Krista LeBrun, Shalon Farris
Kimberly Ellis Denise Gillespie
President Elect ICC
Ashley Beard
Call to order 9:00 am
II. Approval of April Minutes - Buffy Matthews made the motion to approve the April minutes. Christa Wilhite seconded. Motion carried.
III. Approval of May Agenda—Buffy Matthews made the motion to approve the May agenda. Christa Wilhite seconded. Motion carried.
Unfinished Business
New Business
1. Shalon Farris reviewed all Outstanding ET Feature Requests.
a. ET Roles – in progress b. Changes to ET Self Service Public Site – Not Yet Started c. Attendance Tool Email Notifications – Not Yet Started; Shalon will move forward once wording is in place. d. Updates to Grades Page – Not Yet Started e. Attendance Tool Remove Instructor Ability to “No Show” a Student After No Show Date – In Progress f. Ability to Extract Date from SIS and Push into ET Attendance Tool – ICC already has this in place and has shared info with Ive. g. Attendance Tool Admin Notifications – In Progress h. Add Info to “Non Local Students Taking HINDSCC Courses” Report – In Progress i. Ability to Filter Instructors Based on Term – In Progress j. Textbook File in Format to Upload for Next Semester – In Progress k. Separate Grades for Non-Holmes Courses Report by School and Course – In Progress; Asking for separate report by school on individual pages.
Action Items
1. Shalon Farris reviewed all New ET Feature Requests
a. Add “Other” as reason for a student to be removed from non-verified list for self-service students. Amanda Hood made the motion, Buffy Matthews seconded. Motion carried. b. Remove the “Working with Student” option. Requestor was Kandie Johnson (not present). Buffy Matthews moved to amend the request as follows: add a delete option on the admin side instead of removing the option for everyone. Christa Wilhite seconded. Motion carried.
c. Add a “Request LDA” in Attendance to assist with internal withdrawal communication between colleges. Christa Wilhite made the motion. Marie Roberts seconded. Motion carried. Discussion: Jennifer James suggested the alternative of admin to be able to view attendance for pulled in courses. However, this may not always be the true LDA. d. Create ability to download retention data as a CSV file. Tish Stewart made the motion. Keri Cole seconded. Motion carried. a. Officer nominees ran unopposed. Tish Stewart moved that Christa Wilhite (President Elect) and Amanda Hood (Secretary) be confirmed. Buffy Matthews seconded. Motion carried. a. Amanda Hood made the motion to request that Dr. LeBrun present an increase of $4000 per college be added to each college’s MILD Grant in order to cover the procurement of a web conferencing solution as a result of no statewide solution in place for the upcoming FY. Phyllis Johnson seconded. Motion carried. a. Tequila Sunrise opened discussion on which colleges would be interested in piloting Honorlock. Buffy Matthews expressed concern about Honorlock charging students during pilot. MCCB would not be able to pay these charges. Keri Cole will be purchasing by exam for summer and will share information after her pilot. Tequila moved that this vote be tabled pending Keri’s recommendations. Amanda Hood seconded. Motion carried.
2. MELA Officer Elections
3. Increase in MILD Grant Funds for Local Web Conferencing Solutions
4. Honorlock Pilot
Open Forum—no action
Future Meetings
1. Wednesday, June 12 (9am) via Zoom (Cancelled on 6-11-2019 via email due to agenda being slim.)
2. Wednesday, July 10 (9am) via Zoom 3. MELA Retreat: September 11-13, 2019
2019 – July eLearning Coordinators Association Minutes Wednesday, July 17, 2019 Via Zoom:
College/Association Coahoma Community College Copiah Lincoln Community College
Joseph McKee Amanda Hood
East Central Community College
Christa Wilhite, Alicia Beasley
East Mississippi Community College
Chris Square
Hinds Community College
Katherine Puckett, Jennifer James
Holmes Community College
Nancy Parkerson, Tish Stewart
Itawamba Community College
Tequila Sunrise, Denise Gillespie
Jones College
Ashley Beard
Meridian Community College
Marie Roberts, Holly Purvis
Mississippi Delta Community College
Brenda Bridgers
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Northeast Mississippi Community College
Jennifer Leimer
Kim Harris, Sabine Zabarovska
Phyllis Johnson, Kim Steinman, Stacey Smith, Jessica Hicks Bunyard
Northwest Mississippi Community College
Pearl River Community College
Kimberly Ellis
Southwest Mississippi Community College
Alicia Shows
MS Community College Board
Krista LeBrun, Shalon Farris, Raul Fletes
Kimberly Ellis Denise Gillespie
President Elect ICC
Ashley Beard
Call to order 9:00 am
II. Approval of May Minutes (No June Meeting) - Christa Wilhite made the motion to approve the April minutes. Amanda Hood seconded. Motion carried.
III. Approval of July Agenda— Jennifer James made the motion to approve the May agenda. Christa Wilhite seconded. Motion carried.
Unfinished Business
New Business a. Krista
i. Catalog Credit Card Implementation Update 1. PRCC, Jones, and ICC are a pilot group. MCCB is required to use DFA, but institutions are not required to use DFA unless they prefer to. Krista provided us with the steps for credit card processing with Catalog using MSI. Individual bar codes are needed for each course, not each section. a. Contact Mississippi Interactive (MSI) b. School confirms flow of funds c. School provides MSI with bank information so that MSI can make deposits d. MSI will complete bank disbursement form the school reviews and approves e. MSI completes NIC disbursement form that allows processor to be setup in the MSI payment system f. MSI will assign a Merchant ID and Organization ID in TPE— this is required for Canvas to enable payment processing portal. g. Canvas will be provided with Merchant ID and Organization ID. These elements are required in order to enable the payment processing portal. h. Once payment processing portal has been enabled, SKUs will be assigned to each class or product being offered i. Test payments will be performed by MSI and confirmed by the school that the test payment was accepted by the school’s bank. j. Once test payments have been completed and confirmed, MSI will move processor into production for use. ii. MILD Grant 1. No immediate interest in increasing the MILD Grant funds. There was discussion of concern regarding the longevity of the MILD Grant.
2. MACJC were offered the opportunity to use Zoom for teleconferences to get an idea of the functionality and capabilities of the product. 1. Contract is on track for October renewal. MACJC is reviewing contracts, so Krista will work to make sure contracts do not end in the middle of a fiscal year. Contracts will be prorated to align with fiscal year. 1. Enrollment Audit and Reporting Guidelines 2019-2020 (document) a. MSVCC will follow the same census date formula as traditional classes. The dates in ET are correct. Raul has implemented a formula that calculates the one-third point in the term. Krista emailed the Reporting Guidelines and posted them in the MELA course. 2. Statement from Raul a. Raul clarified that he is not mandating which day of the week a school takes attendance. a. Unreliable Audio—no audio for proctor b. Issues accessing screen and webcam recordings c. Classic vs Live+ System—Classic is the old version and Live+ is the new version. i. In Classic System, webcam and screen recordings will not be in sync ii. Month of June estimated number of students switched from Live+ to Classic: 21%. Schools need to let Michael Jackson or Shalon know if they do not want their students redirected to the Classic System. These students will not be allowed to test at that time and will have to reschedule. May be best to not use ProctorU at all if students are being redirected to Classic System. iii. Classic system expected to retire at end of fall semester d. Proper proctoring procedures not being followed e. Difficult to search exams (instructor name only displays in exam notes) f. Shalon provided a Google doc for any other issues. 1. Primary Issues
iii. TII Contract Update
iv. Census Date
v. Update school holidays in the MELA course
b. Shalon
i. ProctorU Updates
2. Details of ProctorU’s Proctoring Procedures a. Requirements before exams begins
b. Details about room scan and how it’s conducted c. Requirements for after exam ends, include what is done about the scratch paper that student may use 3. Provide monthly roadmap/update on development progress 4. Provide examples of proper proctoring sessions from start to finish 5. Report breakdown of issues causing students to be switched from Live+ to Classic 6. Training for Consortium
ii. Examity Updates 1. Overview
a. Average student to Proctor Ratio: 2 to 1 b. Proctors trained for technical support
2. Technical Requirements
a. Desktop, laptop, and Chromebook b. Any operating system and any browser c. Webcam and mic d. Internet connection of 2MBPS upload and download
3. Operational Efficiency
a. Average Wait Time: 1 minute b. Average launch time: 6 minutes 4. Tech Support 24/7 support via live chat, email, and phone 5. Shalon showed Examity—SmarterProctoring Integration and video examples 6. Examity has provided a Demo—Shalon provided link to review 7. Options moving forward: a. Use both ProctorU and Examity for Fall 19 b. Have one or more schools use Examity for Fall 19 and report back to the group on the service. a. Sub-account structure matches Sub-Catalog structure b. Overall look of Catalog reflects these structure changes c. New Course Naming Convention i. Longer course names due to Catalog not pulling term. Term, Course/Webinar, Title, Internal codes to disclose length of course and section ii. This allows for easier filtering to monitor enrollment iii. Will use separate courses for everything, not sections d. New templates for those teaching courses in the Academy and for webinars e. Facilitators no longer required to add completers to Google sheet f. MSVCC Academy Goals 1. Rebranding and restructuring
iii. MSVCC Academy Updates
i. Short Term Goal
1. Minimum of 2 webinars per month 2. Minimum of 1 course per month
ii. Long Term Goal
1. Minimum of 1 webinar per week 2. Minimum of 2 different courses per month 3. Variety—Different trainings each semester 4. Partner Showcase (training provided by vendors)
Action Items
Open Forum a. Discuss charging shared students for inclusive access products (Amanda Hood, CLCC) i. Any way we can make this right with publishers? 1. PRCC uses RedShelf—have never expressed concern regarding billing 2. Any way to do billing through MCCB for these students? a. Krista—Consortium needs to put together a proposal to present to MACJC b. NC-SARA notification requirements, follow up discussion after the 6/10/19 webinar (Denise Gillespie, ICC) c. Introduce Alicia Beasley, the new ELC at ECCC ( ) (Christa Wilhite, ECCC)
Future Meetings
1. August 14, 2019 9:00 a.m. (virtual) – Cancelled via email on 8-13-2019 due to no pressing items being on the agenda. 2. MELA Retreat: September 11-13, 2019
Adjournment 10:22 a.m.
2019 – September eLearning Coordinators Association Minutes Friday, September 13, 2019 Itawamba Community College – Belden Campus Zoom Recording
College/Association Coahoma Community College Copiah Lincoln Community College
Joseph McKee Amanda Hood
East Central Community College
Christa Wilhite, Alicia Beasley
East Mississippi Community College Hinds Community College
Katherine Puckett, Jennifer James
Holmes Community College
Nancy Parkerson, Alan Kinsey, Taylor Yarbrough, Heather Guest, Kassidy Winstead, Chanda Sykes, Tish Stewart (Zoom)
Itawamba Community College
Tequila Sunrise, Denise Gillespie
Jones College
Ashley Beard
Meridian Community College
Marie Roberts, Holly Harris
Mississippi Delta Community College
Brenda Bridgers
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Northeast Mississippi Community College
Buffy Matthews, Jennifer Leimer
Kim Harris, Sabine Zabarovska
Northwest Mississippi Community College
Phyllis Johnson (zoom), Stacey Smith
Pearl River Community College
Kimberly Ellis, Michele Mitchell
Southwest Mississippi Community College MS Community College Board
Krista LeBrun, Shalon Farris (zoom), Jessica Manzo
Erik Wynn and Malorie Ball
*Asterisk denotes attended online.
Denise Gillespie
President Elect
Christa Wilhite
Amanda Hood
Call to order - 8:36 am
II. Approval of July Minutes a. Motion to Approve - Buffy Matthews, Joseph McKee - 2 nd , motion carried (unanimous). III. Approval of September Agenda a. Motion to Approve - Christa Wilhite, Jennifer James - 2 nd , motion carried (unanimous). IV. Unfinished Business a. none V. New Business a. Net Tutor Remaining Hours (Krista LeBrun) i. Amended contract, currently using up banked hours, contract will end on June 30, 2022. ii. Do not want to have credit at the end of the contract; Krista will send updates on leftover hours monthly. iii. Will start working with IT committee to research new vendors. b. Please update your MELA contact information in the MELA course. c. Please update the holiday calendar for your campus in the MELA course. VI. Action Items a. (Denise Gillespie) Committee Changes i. Admin Committee
1. Motion: Buffy Matthews to be a standing member of admin committee. Christa Wilhite - 2 nd , motion carried (unanimous). a. With changes: Tish Stewart (chair), Buffy Matthews (standing member), Denise Gillespie (current president), Kimberly Ellis (past president), Christa Wilhite (incoming president) 1. Motion: Update description to also include proctoring, Stacey Smith to chair, Jennifer James and Alicia Beasley added as members. Buffy Matthews - 2 nd , motion carried (unanimous). a. With changes: Stacey Smith (chair), Tequila Sunrise, Alan Kinsey, Amanda Hood, Sabine Zabarovska, Chris Square, Jennifer James, Alicia Beasley, Shalon Farris (resource member).
ii. Instructional Technology Committee
iii. (Instructional) Quality Committee
1. Motion: Instructional added to title, add “Course Design and User Experience” to responsibilities, co-chairs to be Phyllis Johnson and Marie Roberts, Melanie Francis added as member. Buffy Matthews - 2 nd , motion carried (unanimous). a. With changes: Phyllis Johnson (co-chair), Marie Roberts (co- chair), Michele Mitchell, Kim Harris, Jennifer Leimer, Brenda Bridgers, Katherine Puckett, Melanie Francis, Jessica Manzo (resource member). 1. Motion: Disband with some duties, move some to other committees. Jennifer James - 2 nd , motion carried (unanimous).
iv. Support Services Committee
b. Formation of new committees will be addressed in future meeting. Open Forum a. (Tequila Sunrise) (reference “Proctoring Service Design Specifications for the MSVCC”) The idea of hiring an independent contract programmer to build an in- house proctor scheduling system that talks to all our Canvas instances, syncs testing info, and houses testing availability was brought up to the Instructional Technology committee again. i. Discussion:
1. Marie Roberts has outside independent contractor who could build a spec for no pre-payment, needs a list of needs, and then would hand off to us to maintain. a. Concerns: LTI vs. stand alone, student confidentiality, rights (proprietary info), we still need a virtual proctoring option (currently bundled with ProctorU), housing the server and the database (maybe MCCB), SmarterProctoring could object that they are a sole proprietor 2. SmarterProctoring contract expires March 31, 2020 so we will still have to purchase something because there is no time to get something custom built. If we renew with Smarter Proctoring, the contract would go through April 2023. We want language that no changes/critical upgrades will be made mid-contract. Krista LeBrun will also have to get contract process started and get an RFP. a. Need a link for non-MSVCC students in the design specifications document. b. Issues with SmarterProctoring have decreased – would have similar issues of our own, more expensive. c. No harm in researching alternatives, but current research has not produced a product that meets all our needs.
ii. Decision: Tabled b. (Jennifer James) Why is length of no-show period for full-term classes 2 weeks? i. Discussion: 1. Some schools are still registering during the first week of course. 2. Some financial aid issues do not get worked out until a week or so in.
3. We need to be sure we are following the add/drop dates.
ii. Decision: Leaving at 2 weeks.
c. FY19 MILD Grant Reports
i. Each college reported on their use of MILD Grant funds. Reports will be available in the MELA course for review. VIII. Future Meetings – want to have more face to face. Meridian, East Central, Hinds, and Holmes offered to host. MCCB can still provide meals. a. Tentative meeting schedule for 2019-2020 i. October 9, 2019 – 9:00am – Zoom ii. November 13, 2019 – face to face at MCCB 1. Jason Carter possibly presenting iii. Probably no December meeting (but it would be 9:00am Zoom on the 13 th )
iv. January 15, 2020 – 9:00am – Zoom v. February 12, 2020 – 9:00am – Zoom vi. March 2020 – need to be aware of CFTTC (March 2-4) and spring break issues vii. April 8, 2020 – face to face, maybe at MCCB, committee meetings day before
viii. May 13, 2020 – 9:00am – Zoom ix. June 10, 2020 – 9:00am – Zoom x. July 15, 2020 – 9:00am - Zoom
Adjournment – 10:29am
2019 – October eLearning Coordinators Association Minutes Wednesday, October 9, 2019 Virtual Meeting Zoom Recording
Coahoma Community College
Copiah Lincoln Community College
Amanda Hood
East Central Community College
Christa Wilhite, Alicia Beasley
East Mississippi Community College
Chris Square
Hinds Community College
Katherine Puckett, Jennifer James
Holmes Community College
Nancy Parkerson, Alan Kinsey
Itawamba Community College
Tequila Sunrise, Denise Gillespie
Jones College
Ashley Beard
Meridian Community College
Marie Roberts, Holly Purvis
Mississippi Delta Community College
Brenda Bridgers
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Buffy Matthews
Northeast Mississippi Community College
Kim Harris, Sabine Zabarovska
Northwest Mississippi Community College
Phyllis Johnson, Stacey Smith
Pearl River Community College
Kimberly Ellis, Michele Mitchell
Southwest Mississippi Community College
MS Community College Board
Krista LeBrun, Shalon Farris
Denise Gillespie
President Elect
Christa Wilhite
Amanda Hood
Call to order – 9:00 am
II. Approval of September Minutes a. Motion to Approve - Buffy Matthews, Nancy Parkerson - 2 nd , motion carried (unanimous). III. Approval of October Agenda a. Motion to Approve – Kimberly Ellis, Buffy Matthews - 2 nd , motion carried (unanimous). IV. Unfinished Business a. none V. New Business a. Possible MSVCC Online Conference (Shalon Farris) i. Discussion on ideas/support for a possible conference
1. Would be day-long Zoom meetings with a variety of break-out sessions; could sign up/sign in for the particular sessions you would like to attend 2. Recorded for those who could not attend 3. Schools could do “viewing rooms” where groups could come to participate. 4. Questions: cost, record of attendance, open to public 5. Share Ideas: hGgGGGpkogd3kXAQM3IQUXymMe3beuRzl8LHh2ELU/edit?usp=sh aring 1. Volunteers: Marie Roberts, Stacey Smith, Alan Kinsey, Kimberly Ellis, Buffy Matthews, Katherine Puckett, Joseph McKee i. Motion (Buffy): Library Association has requested grammatical changes be made in the library survey in MSVCC, Marie Roberts – 2 nd , motion carried (unanimous) ii. Discussion: 1. Will go to Ive for updates; Buffy will relay when those changes are made to the Library Association 2. They (library association) want to do a faculty survey in the ET, as well. ii. Will continue with forming an advisory committee
Action Items a. MSVCC ET – Library Survey (Buffy Matthews)
a. Please talk directly with your library representative and explain that the MSVCC ET isn’t used as heavily as it once
was. All schools do not place all online courses in the ET any longer. Because of this change, the MELA group feels that the faculty survey would not generate the data that the Library Association is needing. Buffy will restate this to Mr. Thompson and provide him with our recommendations for moving forward with the faculty survey.
Open Forum a. NC-SARA (Denise Gillespie)
i. Menia Dykes/Krista LeBrun have communicated questions/answers to everyone via email. ii. Everyone should be working on these steps: 1. Website – recommend working with IE person and looking at what other universities have 2. Identifying the people who need to be reported – With the specificity of the group, the number should be small and manageable enough to send out personalized emails. b. Canvas Catalog Credit Card Process and Discussion (Denise Gillespie) i. Fees involved: $2.00 charge per transaction + 2.2% per transaction ii. Krista LeBrun: MCCB plans to pass on extra fees to participants; Catalog fee will be built in to what the users see. iii. Schools working on this process: PRCC, JC
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