MELA Meeting Minutes 2019
Denise Gillespie
President Elect
Christa Wilhite
Amanda Hood
Call to order - 8:36 am
II. Approval of July Minutes a. Motion to Approve - Buffy Matthews, Joseph McKee - 2 nd , motion carried (unanimous). III. Approval of September Agenda a. Motion to Approve - Christa Wilhite, Jennifer James - 2 nd , motion carried (unanimous). IV. Unfinished Business a. none V. New Business a. Net Tutor Remaining Hours (Krista LeBrun) i. Amended contract, currently using up banked hours, contract will end on June 30, 2022. ii. Do not want to have credit at the end of the contract; Krista will send updates on leftover hours monthly. iii. Will start working with IT committee to research new vendors. b. Please update your MELA contact information in the MELA course. c. Please update the holiday calendar for your campus in the MELA course. VI. Action Items a. (Denise Gillespie) Committee Changes i. Admin Committee
1. Motion: Buffy Matthews to be a standing member of admin committee. Christa Wilhite - 2 nd , motion carried (unanimous). a. With changes: Tish Stewart (chair), Buffy Matthews (standing member), Denise Gillespie (current president), Kimberly Ellis (past president), Christa Wilhite (incoming president) 1. Motion: Update description to also include proctoring, Stacey Smith to chair, Jennifer James and Alicia Beasley added as members. Buffy Matthews - 2 nd , motion carried (unanimous). a. With changes: Stacey Smith (chair), Tequila Sunrise, Alan Kinsey, Amanda Hood, Sabine Zabarovska, Chris Square, Jennifer James, Alicia Beasley, Shalon Farris (resource member).
ii. Instructional Technology Committee
iii. (Instructional) Quality Committee
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