MELA Meeting Minutes 2019
Denise Gillespie
President Elect
Christa Wilhite
Amanda Hood
Call to order – 10:02 am
II. Approval of October Minutes a. Motion to Approve - Buffy Matthews, Michele Mitchell - 2 nd , motion carried (unanimous). III. Approval of November Agenda a. Motion to Approve – Marie Roberts, Phyllis Johnson - 2 nd , motion carried (unanimous). IV. Unfinished Business a. none V. New Business a. Jason Carter - Financial Updates i. Mr. Carter presented PowerPoint about MSVCC and the Funding Formula ii. Mr. Carter distributed and explained the Hold Harmless Provision b. NC-SARA (tentative) i. Dr. LeBrun shared process details. ii. Denise Gillespie shared what they (ICC) are doing.
1. Proactive about identifying students located out of state (different from residency); current address (should be used) versus permanent address. 2. Only concerned with programs that require licensure (mainly health science programs) to work in the field. This would also include pre- programs. 3. General disclosure posted on website 4. Send students an email with a link to PDF that links every program to the accreditation information on the program pages. (They are already required to have these published.); timeframe will probably be 2-3 weeks into the semester
c. Shalon Farris - Virtual Conference Updates i. Advisory Committee met 11.12.19 ii. Free
iii. Tentative date: 2.21.20 iv. Geared toward instructors v. Virtual Instructional Tech Conference vi. 5 45 minutes session plus an informal lunch session; strict timeline vii. Individual links in Zoom viii. Using Catalog for registration ix. Hope to have logistics set by December
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