MELA Minutes 2021-2022

This publication contains the MELA minuts for AY 21/22.

MELAMinutes 2021-2022 Mississippi Virtual Community College

















Mississippi eLearning Association Minutes Wednesday, September 8, 2021 Virtual Meeting

Zoom Recording: recordings?module_item_id=16044679



Coahoma Community College

Joseph McKee; Monica Johnson

Copiah-Lincoln Community College

Dr. Amanda Hood; Anna Davis

East Central Community College

Alicia Beasley; Jeri Lynn Parish

East Mississippi Community College

Coranette “Chris” Square

Hinds Community College

Katherine Puckett; Latoya Clark-Horne

Holmes Community College

Nancy Parkerson, Jena Hartley; Shalon Farris

Denise Gillespie; Tequila Sunrise; Wilson Knight; Melanie Francis

Itawamba Community College

Jones College

Ashley Beard

Meridian Community College

Holley Purvis; Erin Richardson

Carmen Brown; Sarah Buchanan; Jason Zuehlke Buffy Matthews; Michelle Pickering

Mississippi Delta Community College

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College

Northeast Mississippi Community College

Kim Harris; Sabine Zabarovska

Phyllis Johnson; Kim Steinman; Stacey Smith; Aaron Payne Michele Mitchell; Christine Davis; Sonya Hunt

Northwest Mississippi Community College

Pearl River Community College

Southwest Mississippi Community College

Alicia Shows

Dr. Krista LeBrun, Dr. Christa Wilhite, Dr. Ariana Stokes

MS Community College Board





Hinds Community College

Katherine Puckett

Michele Mitchell

President Elect Pearl River Community College


East Central Community College

Alicia Beasley


Call to Order: 9:00 am


Approval of June 2021 Minutes

a. Motion to approve: Buffy Matthews - MGCCC b. Second to approve: Michele Mitchell – PRCC


Approval of September 2021 Agenda Addition of Alicia Shows announcement in Open Forum

a. Motion to approve: Denise Gillespie – ICC b. Second to approve: Phyllis Johnson - NWCC


Updates: a. Dr. Krista LeBrun

 TII Quote : Service quote expires June 30, 2022. The new quote for fiscal year 2023 is approximately a 4.39% increase. It takes about 6 months working with ITS for a contract to get approved. If this is a contract the MELA group would like to continue, it needs to be discussed with your presidents before it is brought before them in their October meeting. The group will vote on this in our next meeting in October. Katherine Puckett asked if there was an alternate service that the group might want to explore. Denise

Gillespie stated that the “Feedback Studio” of TII is a component that her instructors find very valuable. Due to the time frame, it may not be feasible to look for another solution at this time.  Link-Systems: After purchasing a huge pool of hours, we stopped using it for a while. The contract was amended to allow us to exhaust the hours purchased. The contract will now expire at the exhaustion of hours or July 31, 2022. We have about 7000 hours left. The hours are being used now and there is no limit as to who can use the hours. Since we bought a huge number of hours, we have not been budgeting for this service. If we decide to look at alternate solutions, we will need to ensure the funding is there before beginning a new RFP. This will need to be discussed with leadership to determine if this is a critical need for the tutoring services. Michele Mitchell reminded the group that a tutoring solution is something that is needed because of SACS documentation. Christa Wilhite will look through previous minutes for the discussion by the group about other services that were looked at and the wish list that was presented.  MOA Survey: There were no changes made to the MOA Survey. All presidents have signed and it is available in the MELA course site.  DEMOS: Vendors have been reaching out to Dr. LeBrun and instead of pushing them through to the Instructional Technology Committee she has been fielding some of the requests since institutions have been busy with beginning of the year issues. One service that reached out was SmarterID. Would the MELA group be interested in a Demo of this product? Michele Mitchell commented that since we have not had much luck with any of these products, maybe we should demo this product to see what they have to offer. Katherine Puckett also stated that she would like to see what they have to offer. Another vender that reached out was Class (Zoom). This product allows for synchronous online sessions, track attendance and engagement and is similar to a lecture capture type product. Dr. LeBrun does not have any pricing but if the MELA group is interested a demo could be set up. Several members stated they were not interested for eLearning purposes but it could be beneficial for on campus classes.  API Training via Canvas: Some Cares Act funds were allocated for Canvas templates when initially received. Canvas has reached out and stated they have requests from institutions for more trainings due to changes in eLearning personnel. Therefore, MELA is allocating more Cares Act funds to provide API training. Dr. Wilhite will be working

with Canvas to set these up. There will be a limit on participants for each training sessions. For now, one person from each institution can be added to the participation list. Dr. Wilhite will send out a link to a google document to add your participant. The session will be recorded and will then be sent out to others who would like to review it.  Quality Letters: Quality letter are due in October. There will be an assignment set up in the MELA course site to upload them electronically.  MELA Beta Course: Dr. Wilhite needed feedback on the BETA MELA course and which course site the group would like to keep. Several members suggested we move forward with the new course and archive the old course. After the discussion, the group decided to go with the new course and Dr. Wilhite will rename it accordingly.  Support Resources: The new course does have a support resources page. If you would like to add items to the page, you will need to let Dr. Wilhite know.  CDP: Phyllis Johnson kicked off the new training course on Monday of the Course Development Program. There are 19 participants. Christine’s course “Objectives and Assessments” will begin in October and it is open for registration in the Academy Catalog. The start has been successful and we are looking forward to getting feedback from the participants. If you are an instructional designer and would like to be a part of a group to help put together resources for the MELA group, you can reach out to Dr. Wilhite.

Dr. Christa Wilhite:

Dr. Arianna Stokes:

 MSCUG: The MSCUG will begin on Friday at 9am.

Registration is still open and they will be recorded if you want to register but are unable to attend. If anyone has any questions reach out to Dr. Stokes.


Unfinished Business:

a. 8-Week absence date change: 8-week courses now have a maximum allowed absence of 2 instead of 1. Dr. Lebrun was informed after questioning the information, the change occurred in 2019 when the census dates were changes. Most MELA members stated they were unaware of this change as well as Dr. LeBrun. The Policy and Procedure Manual still

stated the old information. It will now be updated to reflect the change. The “No Show” date will not be changed at this time.


New Business:

a. ET Feature Request – Dr. Christa Wilhite: A feature request for Enrollment Tool has been requested by CoLin. The request asks for a “Publisher” drop down menu within the Textbbook tab and/or a new box with textbook pricing information. This will give institutions more information on pricing of inclusive access books. Cengage is asking for a way to charge the schools for shared students. Other publishers will then follow suit so this is one way to work toward finding a solution that will work for each of our institutions as well as the publishers. All of our bookstore have an agreement which allows them to bill each other for physical books. The only exception to this is Hinds CC which has gone to Barnes & Nobel who does not share in that agreement. There was a discussion about how each school is now handling the ebook charges. Eventually a long-term solution will need to be found. Dr. Amanda Hood made the motion to add the new textbook fields to the Enrollment Tool. The fields are just for informational purposes and are not authorizing any charges for institutions or students. The motion passed with no opposition. Michelle Mitchell asked that a master report also be created in ET that we could pull textbook information that was connected with the student as well as the institution. Katherine Puckett was asked by Dr. Keri Cole of Hinds to prepare a document about ebooks, MELA usage, shared students, etc. Katherine made a motion to be able to include in that document MELA support. The document will be shared with the presidents committee. The motion passed with no opposition.


Open Forum a. eText platforms and MSCC Host Student Charges – Denise Gillspie: Subject was discussed under “New Business” and will be deleted from the Open Forum

b. Alicia Shows Announcement: Alicia informed the group of her health issues this past year. She is working from home right now. If anyone needs any information from her, please email her and she will get that to you as soon as possible.

VIII. Future Meeting: October 13 , 2021 @ 9:00 AM via Zoom


Adjournment: 10:33 am

Mississippi eLearning Association Minutes Wednesday, October 13, 2021 Virtual Meeting

Zoom Recording:



Coahoma Community College

Ms. Monica Johnson

Copiah-Lincoln Community College

Dr. Amanda Hood; Ms. Anna Davis

East Central Community College

Ms. Alicia Beasley

East Mississippi Community College

Hinds Community College

Ms. Katherine Puckett; Ms. Kashana Bass

Ms. Tish Stewart; Ms. Nancy Parkerson, Ms. Jena Hartley Ms. Denise Gillespie; Ms. Tequila Sunrise; Mr. Wilson Knight; Ms. Melanie Francis

Holmes Community College

Itawamba Community College

Jones College

Ms. Ashley Beard

Ms. Holley Purvis; Ms. Erin Richardson; Dr. Kelley Gonzales

Meridian Community College

Mississippi Delta Community College

Ms. Carmen Brown; Ms. Jason Zuehlke

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College

Ms. Buffy Matthews; Ms. Michelle Pickering

Northeast Mississippi Community College

Ms. Kim Harris; Ms. Sabine Zabarovska

Ms. Phyllis Johnson; Ms. Kim Steinman; Ms. Stacey Smith Ms. Michele Mitchell; Ms. Christine Davis; Ms. Sonya Hunt

Northwest Mississippi Community College

Pearl River Community College

Southwest Mississippi Community College

Ms. Alicia Shows

Dr. Krista LeBrun, Dr. Christa Wilhite, Dr. Ariana Stokes, Dr. Krystal Thurman

MS Community College Board





Hinds Community College

Ms. Katherine Puckett

Ms. Michele Mitchell

President Elect Pearl River Community College


East Central Community College

Ms. Alicia Beasley



A. Call to Order: Mrs. Katherine Puckett, Hinds 9:00 am

B. Roll Call: Mrs. Alicia Beasley, ECCC

C. Introduction of Guests

Dr. LeBrun introduced Dr. Huebner, MCC President

D. Approval of September 2021 Minutes after corrections are made

1. Motion to approve: Mrs. Buffy Matthews - MGCCC 2. Second to approve: Mrs. Phyllis Johnson – NWMCC 3. Approved Unanimously

E. Approval of October 2021 Agenda

1. Motion to approve: Dr. Amanda Hood – Co-Lin 2. Second to approve: Mrs. Buffy Matthews – MGCCC

3. Approved Unanimously


New Business 1. Robert’s Rules of Order – Dr. Tom Huebner, MCC President Dr. Tom Huebner gave a presentation on how to properly conduct a meeting. The presentation is attached at the bottom. He gave a brief

history, the purpose, basic principles, basic definitions, types of motions, and frequently asked questions. The following questions were asked during the presentation:  How to get the group back on track  Tabling a motion and bringing a tabled motion back up  Voting/Quorums and specifically about voting via Zoom and abstaining from the vote.  Format of an agenda  Roll call  Naming a proxy if absent. 2. SmarterID Demo – Dr. Christa Wilhite, MCCB Last month, SmarterServices provided a Smarter ID demo, and the recording was sent out to the eLC. Dr. Christa Wilhite wanted to know if the group would like a live demo of the product. SmarterServices has agreed to provide a live demo and wants to meet the needs of our group. Mrs. Carmen Brown, MDCC, stated that they were considering BioSig but would consider SmarterID. Mrs. Katherine Puckett, Hinds, stated that we need something for SACSCOC compliance. Mrs. Denise Gillespie, ICC, agreed with Mrs. Katherine Puckett and said it would be good for financial aid and accreditation purposes. Dr. Christa Wilhite asked if the group wanted her to schedule another meeting with SmarterID. Mrs. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC, and Mrs. Carmen Brown, MDCC, stated yes. Dr. Amanda Hood, Co-Lin, made the motion to schedule a demo. Mrs. Phyliss Johnson, NWMCC, seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously. 3. Canvas Consortium Calls – Dr. Christa Wilhite, MCCB Dr. Christa Wilhite told the group that our monthly meetings are only lasting 20 to 30 minutes each time and wanted to know if the group wanted to start meeting bimonthly or quarterly. After a discussion amongst the group, it was decided to move the meeting to bimonthly

unless something urgent. Dr. Christa Wilhite is going to contact Ashley, Canvas rep, regarding this. Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC, make the motion for bimonthly meetings. Dr. Amanda Hood, Co-Lin, seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously.


Action Items 1. TurnItIn – Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB

Dr. Krista LeBrun gave the updated quote with a 2% increase instead of a 5% increase. We have two options – a ramp-up with a 2% annual increase or a flat fee with 2% annual increase.

Dr. Amanda Hood, Co-Lin, asked Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB, if one was preferred over the over. Mrs. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC, asked about the flat fee because of the budget. Dr. Amanda Hood, Co-Lin, made the motion to choose Option 2 – flat fee. Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC, seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously. Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB, will present at the President’s meeting in October. 2. Link-Systems (NetTutor) – Dr. Krista Lebrun, MCCB

Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB, stated that we have about 4,800 hours remaining for the year. Link-Systems proposal is $24.00 an hour if all hours is used and is prepaid. Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC, stated that this is tied to SACSCOC guidelines and the Presidents needed to know this. Ms. Tish Stewart, Holmes, stated that we needed a product in place, and she has been promoting the usage of NetTutor. Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC, stated that there has been increased usage from 4p.m. to 4a.m. Ms. Katherine Puckett, Hinds, stated that she would like to see her data. Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB stated that she will get Link-Systems to get her the information as well as anyone else that needed it. Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC, then inquired as to when it was last in the budget. Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB, stated 2018, and that we have cash reserves to bring it back to the budget. Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC, made the motion to go into RFP for tutoring. Dr. Kelly Gonzales, MCC, seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously. Dr. Amanda Hood, Co-Lin, stated that it could go back to Link-Systems. Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC, made the motion for a 1-year contract extension with Dr. Krista LeBrun negotiating hours and price. Ms. Tish Stewart, Holmes, seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously. Ms. Denise Gillespie, ICC, stated that the eLC had already approved to move to RFP in the October 2020 meeting. The eLC will vote again next month after Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB, negotiates with Link-Systems. Open Forum 1. Dr. Christa Wilhite, MCCB, reminded the group that only 7 out of 15 colleges had submitted their Quality Letters. They are due the end of October. 2. Dr. Christa Wilhite, MCCB, told the group about pages in the MELA course where we could post comments and questions about SACSCOC and


SARA. Since Ms. Menia Dykes is the guest speaker next month, Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB, will get any questions to Ms. Menia Dykes ahead of time so she can answer at the monthly meeting in October. 3. Ms. Katherine Puckett, Hinds, asked when did student evaluations stop in ET. Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC, stated they are still available. Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB, stated that some colleges like ICC do internal student evaluations. Ms. Tish Stewart, Holmes, and Ms. Katherine Puckett, Hinds, stated they do internal evaluations as well. Dr. Kelly Gonzales, MCC, stated that was a question they were just asked during SACSCOC. 4. Dr. Amanda Hood, Co-Lin, stated that an ebook Advisory Committee had been formed. Presidents nominated representatives from each college. A virtual meeting will be held 10/13 at 10am and an in-person meeting will be held 10/18 at Holmes. The purpose is to create a proposal to solve charges for inclusive access to present to the Presidents on 10/26.


Announcements 1. Next meeting – November 10, 9am 2. November Guest – Mrs. Menia Dykes, SARA Representative


Adjournment – 11:10 am

Mississippi eLearning Association Minutes Wednesday, November 10, 2021 Virtual Meeting

Zoom Recording:



Coahoma Community College

Ms. Monica Johnson

Copiah-Lincoln Community College

Dr. Amanda Hood; Ms. Anna Davis

East Central Community College

Ms. Alicia Beasley, Ms. Jeri Lynn Parish

East Mississippi Community College

Ms. Katherine Puckett; Ms. Tershuna Bass; Ms. Jennifer James, Ms. Latoya Clark Ms. Tish Stewart; Ms. Nancy Parkerson Ms. Denise Gillespie; Ms. Tequila Sunrise; Ms. Melanie Francis

Hinds Community College

Holmes Community College

Itawamba Community College

Jones College

Ms. Ashley Beard

Ms. Holley Purvis; Ms. Erin Richardson; Dr. Kelley Gonzales

Meridian Community College

Mississippi Delta Community College

Ms. Carmen Brown; Mr. Jason Zuehlke

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College

Ms. Buffy Matthews; Ms. Michelle Pickering

Northeast Mississippi Community College

Ms. Kim Harris; Ms. Sabine Zabarovska

Northwest Mississippi Community College

Ms. Kim Steinman; Ms. Stacey Smith

Ms. Michele Mitchell; Ms. Christine Davis; Ms. Sonya Hunt

Pearl River Community College

Southwest Mississippi Community College

Ms. Alicia Shows

Dr. Krista LeBrun

MS Community College Board





Hinds Community College

Ms. Katherine Puckett

Ms. Michele Mitchell

President Elect Pearl River Community College


East Central Community College

Ms. Alicia Beasley


Preliminaries A. Call to Order: Mrs. Katherine Puckett, Hinds 9:00 am B. Roll Call: Mrs. Alicia Beasley, ECCC C. Approval of October 2021 Minutes after corrections are made

1. Motion to approve: Ms. Denise Gillespie, ICC 2. Second to approve: Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC 3. Approved Unanimously

D. Approval of September 2021 Agenda

1. Motion to approve: Dr. Amanda Hood, Co-Lin 2. Second to approve: Ms. Jennifer James, Hinds 3. Approved Unanimously


New Business • Introduction of Ms. Menia Dykes, IHL, by Dr. LeBrun Ms. Menia Dykes answered the following questions that were asked before the meeting: • Why exactly do we need to be a member of SARA? How does it benefit us as an institution? What would happen if we were not a member of SARA? • What do we do if a student was a MS resident and move to California? California is not a SARA state. We are not always notified if a student moved to another state and do not know until we come across it accidentally. At that point, the student has taken online classes with us, and no approval was done.

• There are several new eLearning administrators, what recommendations and best practices can you provide in regards to completing the SARA application(s) and ensuring compliance? Ms. Menia Dykes then went through the application process explaining updates/changes to the application and materials needed. Dr. Krista LeBrun emailed members of the group a copy of the application that included comments by Ms. Menia Dykes.

• Procurements – Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB • TII Renewal Initiated with ITS

• Approved at a flat rate of $199,876 for a three-year term • Dr. Krista LeBrun will gather necessary paperwork from the vendor and submit the request to renew into the ITS portal. • Renewal process can take several months. Dr. Krista LeBrun will provide updates as received. • One-year contract extension of NetTutor by Link-Systems at a rate of $24.00 per hour. • MCCB will be billed monthly on actual usage not to exceed 15,000 hours. • Dr. Krista LeBrun will gather the necessary paperwork from the vendor and submit the request to the ITS portal. Dr. Krista LeBrun will provide updates as received. • Dr. Krista LeBrun will submit the request to enter an RFP for virtual tutoring services into the ITS portal. • The MELA (MSVCC eLearning Association) will need to name members to an RFP committee. The committee will be responsible for developing the scoring rubric, reading submitted RFPs for selection to demo, and scoring and ranking finalists for the contract. • The RFP process can take 9-12 months.

• Link-Systems 1-year Amendment Initiated with ITS

• Virtual Tutoring Request for RFP Initiated with ITS

• eBook (Inclusive Access) Features in ET

• The Presidents approved a rate of $25.00 per credit hour for MSVCC shared students. • A meeting was held with Ive, MCCB, to finalize the ET requests, to include reporting functionality for Finance Division.

• Inclusive Access Summary and Inclusive Access Details have been added to ET. If a student drops a course pre-census, there will be no charge. If a student drops a course after census date, there will be a charge. • Ms. Denise Gillespie, ICC, asked Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB, to demonstrate how to change from nonIA to IA. Ms. Tish Stewart, Holmes, stated to be careful because it can unlink to your courses when you do this. • Dr. Amanda Hood, Co-Lin, noted that these numbers will not be billed for. The Presidents agreed to adjust the assessment (0.90) fees. • MSVCC Fall 2023-Summber 2024 Proposed Calendar – Ms. Buffy Matthew, MGCCC • Ms. Buffy Matthews emailed the eLC group the proposed calendar and asked everyone to look over it. • MELA will vote to approve it in January to get it sent to the Dean’s Association.


Action Items

• Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB, asked the group about having a December meeting. Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC, made the motion to not have a December meeting unless something pressing came up. Ms. Alicia Beasley, ECCC, seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously .


Open Forum

• Mr. Jason Zuehlke said that he had reached out to other community colleges to find out what kind of tech labs/training centers they had for faculty/students. Ms. Katherine Puckett, Hinds, and Ms. Denise Gillespie, ICC, told them what they had.

V. Announcements 1. Next meeting – January 12, 9am 2. Dr. Krista Lebrun told the group that the next President’s meeting will be a face-to-face meeting on November 30. VI. Adjournment • Mrs. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC, made the motion. Dr. Amanda Hood, Co-Lin, seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously.

Mississippi eLearning Association Minutes Wednesday, January 12, 2022 Virtual Meeting

Zoom Recording:



Coahoma Community College

Ms. Monica Johnson

Copiah-Lincoln Community College

Dr. Amanda Hood; Ms. Anna Davis

East Central Community College

Ms. Alicia Beasley, Ms. Jeri Lynn Parish

East Mississippi Community College


Ms. Katherine Puckett; Ms. Tershuna Bass; Ms. Jennifer James, Ms. Latoya Clark Ms. Tish Stewart; Ms. Nancy Parkerson; Ms. Shalon Farris; Ms. Gina Hartley Ms. Denise Gillespie; Ms. Tequila Sunrise; Ms. Melanie Francis Ms. Holley Purvis; Ms. Erin Richardson; Dr. Kelley Gonzales Ms. Carmen Brown; Mr. Jason Zuehlke; Ms. Sara Bucannon Ms. Michelle Pickering; Dr. Jordan Sanderson none

Hinds Community College

Holmes Community College

Itawamba Community College

Jones College

Meridian Community College

Mississippi Delta Community College

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College

Northeast Mississippi Community College

Ms. Sabine Zabarovska

Northwest Mississippi Community College

Ms. Stacey Smith; Ms. Angel Nickens

Ms. Michele Mitchell; Ms. Christine Davis; Ms. Sonya Hunt

Pearl River Community College

Southwest Mississippi Community College

Ms. Alicia Shows

Dr. Christa Wilhite; Dr. Arianna Stokes

MS Community College Board





Hinds Community College

Ms. Katherine Puckett

Ms. Michele Mitchell

President Elect Pearl River Community College


East Central Community College

Ms. Alicia Beasley


Preliminaries A. Call to Order: Mrs. Katherine Puckett, Hinds 9:23 am B. Roll Call: Mrs. Alicia Beasley, ECCC C. Approval of November 2021 Minutes

1. Motion to approve: Ms. Jennifer James, Hinds 2. Second to approve: Dr. Kelly Gonzales, MCC 3. Approved Unanimously

D. Approval of January 2022 Agenda

1. Motion to approve: Dr. Amanda Hood, Co-Lin 2. Second to approve: Ms. Jennifer James, Hinds 3. Approved Unanimously


New Business

A. ITS Updates

1. TurnItIn – Dr. Christa Wilhite

a. Approved by Presidents for renewal b. Forms have been submitted to ITS c. Project manager has been assigned d. Renewal process will begin in February to ensure contract is in place by expiration

2. Link-Systems – Dr. Christa Wilhite

a. Approved at $24 an hour b. Forms have been submitted to ITS c. Project manager has been assigned d. ITS has been asked to expedite extension due to colleges using product for accreditation, etc. and there is the concern of running out of hours e. Contract is a sole source

3. Tutoring RFP – Dr. Christa Wilhite

a. Presidents approved beginning RFP b. Forms have been submitted to ITS

c. Scope of work must be provided to make progress (rubric) d. ITS will assign consultant once scope of work is completed e. Committee has been formed f. Submission goal is early February g. Once public, there is a need for RFP committee with up to 8 members but a minimum of 5

B. Inclusive Access Update with ET – Dr. Christa Wilhite 1. Available for use with tutorials forthcoming by the end of the week 2. Data for pilot will be analyzed per Presidents’ request to determine if changes are needed 3. Data is based on unaudited numbers 4. Please submit issues and feedback to Dr. Christa Wilhite 5. Jason Carter has confirmed that IA costs will be a separate line item since it will be deducted from assessments C. Sara Reminder – Dr. Christa Wilhite 1. Due February 28 th , 2022 2. Ms. Menia Dykes emailed information on 12/16/21 and Dr. Krista Lebrun forwarded the information on 12/17 /21 to make sure everyone received 3. MSVCC cuts the check for MSSARA and NCSARA D. Guest Speaker Recommendation – Dr. Christa Wilhite 1. Please submit requests to Dr. Christa Wilhite so that scheduling can take

place E. MILD Grant Update – Dr. Christa Wilhite 1. Presidents will be asked to vote on continuing MILD Grad for President- Elect to cover the cost of the retreat F. CFTTC Meeting Space and Participation – Dr. Christa Wilhite 1. Creating Futures Through Technology Conference will be held March 2 nd -4 th at Beau Rivage 2. Meeting space is available, if needed 3. Registrations will NOT be paid this year via MSVCC funds


Action Items - NONE


Open Forum A. Virtual Proctoring – Ms. Tish Stewart, Holmes

1. All colleges were asked to complete a survey prior to the meeting 2. Results from the survey was shown 3. It was determined that the colleges need to have a meeting to further discuss virtual proctoring B. Supplemental Course Materials – Ms. Tish Stewart, Holmes 1. Some Holmes courses have materials/texts that must be purchased as no IA materials/text were available C. Office 365 Canvas Integration – Dr. Christa Wilhite 1. Discussion of the need for training. MCCB will provide training based on discussion. 2. Discussion of colleges using/planning to use D. ET Admin Training – Dr. Christa Wilhite 1. Some colleges have requested training 2. Send email to Dr. Christa Wilhite if you need training 3. Training will be virtual E. MSVCC Academy Training – Dr. Arianna Stokes 1. Link to offerings was shared in chat 2. Let Dr. Arianna Stokes know of any specific training needs

3. Let Dr. Arianna Stokes know of any issues with catalog access F. College Sandbox Course Inquiry – Dr. Arianna Stokes 1. Discussion of creation for playground courses for MSVCC Academy. Should eLC create in college instance or should it be created at MCCB? Suggestions – (1) Poll prior to course offering to see if participant is associated with college (2) Free Canvas account (3) API to auto create Announcements 1. Next meeting – February 9 th , 9am 2. Dr. Kelly Gonzales asked how to get an item on the agenda. She was told to contact Dr. Christa Wilhite or Ms. Katherine Puckett. She was also told that she could add the item to the agenda in the MELA Canvas course. 3. Announcement made that Mr. Wilson Knight, ICC and Ms. Stacey Smith, NWCC would be leaving their positions Adjournment • Ms. Denise Gillespie, ICCC, made the motion. Ms. Jennifer James, Hinds, seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously.



Mississippi eLearning Association Minutes Wednesday, February 9, 2022 Virtual Meeting

Zoom Recording:



Coahoma Community College

Ms. Monica Johnson

Copiah-Lincoln Community College

Dr. Amanda Hood; Ms. Anna Davis

East Central Community College

Ms. Jeri Lynn Parish

East Mississippi Community College


Hinds Community College

Ms. Latoya Clark

Ms. Tish Stewart; Ms. Nancy Parkerson; Ms. Shalon Farris; Ms. Gina Hartley

Holmes Community College

Itawamba Community College

Ms. Denise Gillespie; Ms. Tequila Sunrise;

Jones College

Ashley Beard

Ms. Holley Purvis; Ms. Erin Richardson; Dr. Kelley Gonzales Ms. Carmen Brown; Mr. Jason Zuehlke; Ms. Sara Bucannon Ms. Michelle Pickering; Ms. Buffy Matthews

Meridian Community College

Mississippi Delta Community College

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College

Northeast Mississippi Community College

Ms. Sabine Zabarovska; Ms. Kim Harris

Ms. Phyllis Johnson; Ms. Angel Nickens; Ms. Kim Steinman Ms. Michele Mitchell; Ms. Christine Davis; Ms. Sonya Hunt

Northwest Mississippi Community College

Pearl River Community College

Southwest Mississippi Community College

Ms. Alicia Shows

Dr. Krista Lebrun; Dr. Arianna Stokes; Mr. Ive Burnett

MS Community College Board





Hinds Community College

Ms. Katherine Puckett

Ms. Michele Mitchell

President Elect Pearl River Community College


East Central Community College

Ms. Alicia Beasley



A. Call to Order: Ms. Michele Mitchell, Pearl River 9:00 am

B. Roll Call: Ms. Jeri Lyn Crosby, ECCC

C. Approval of January 2022 Minutes

1. Motion to approve: Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC 2. Second to approve: Ms. Phyllis Johnson, NWMCC 3. Approved Unanimously

D. Approval of February 2022 Agenda

1. Motion to approve: Ms. Denise Gillespie, ICC 2. Second to approve: Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC 3. Approved Unanimously


New Business A. MILD Grant – Dr. Krista Lebrun, MCCB 1. Presidents approved the $6000 to hold the eLearning Retreat at their last meeting. 2. Discussed whether to send funds to Hinds (current President) or to Pearl River (upcoming President). It was decided to follow Policy and Procedure and have the funds sent to Pearl River within the next 30-45 days. 3. Individual colleges will not receive funds.

B. Link-Systems Amendment Update – Dr. Krista Lebrun, MCCB 1. Approval was received from ITS with no objections 2. Will not exceed 15,000 hours 3. Contract should be approved at the Board meeting 4. Currently have about 1,000 hours left 5. If we run out of hours, we should not lose service as long as both parties agree C. RFP SOW Update – Dr. Krista Lebrun, MCCB 1. Questions have been agreed on and categorized 2. If approved with RFP SOW committee, Dr. Lebrun will submit to ITS for consult assignment. 3. RFP committee will need to be formed with no more than 10 members. 4. If there are features/functions that must be included, let Dr. Lebrun know. Action Items A. ET Inclusive Access – Ms. Tish Stewart, Holmes 1. Possible discrepancy in Inclusive Access Summary and Inclusive Access Details in ET 2. Mr. Ive Burnett, MCCB, has requested examples to look into this. 3. Ms. Tish Stewart, Holmes, suggested that the Admin committee get together to meet on this. A Doodle poll will be sent to determine date/time. 4. Request for addition of student ID on Inclusive Access Reports


Motion to Approve: Ms. Alicia Shows, SMCC Second to Approve: Ms. Tequila Sunrise, ICC Approved Unanimously 5. Request for addition of student ID on Request for Drop Report Motion to Approve: Ms. Kim Steinman, NWMCC Second to Approve: Ms. Phyllis Johnson, NWMCC Approved Unanimously

B. MELO Budget Requests FY23 – Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC 1. Requests were emailed to eLC on January 31 2. Motion to Approve: Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC Second to Approve: Ms. Kim Harris, NEMCC Approved Unanimously

C. MSVCC Proposed Calendar FY23 – Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC 1. Approved by Admin committee in December 2. Summer has a week later start date

2. Motion to Approve: Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC Second to Approve: Dr. Amanda Hood, CoLin Approved Unanimously


Open Forum A. Two Factor Authentication – Ms. Tish Stewart, Holmes 1. Discussion on proctoring with two factor authentications. How will students sign in if they need their phone to authenticate? Some colleges allow students authenticate then go put phone in locker. There are some backdoor options that are being explored. A column on the Google doc will be added so other colleges will know which schools require two factor authentications.

B. Respondus on Proctored Quizzes – Ms. Tish Stewart, Holmes 1. Discussion on quizzes with Respondus and how it affects students testing in other locations.


Announcements 1. Next meeting – March 9 th , 9am


Adjournment – 9:54 a.m.

Mississippi eLearning Association Minutes Thursday, June 9, 2022 In-Person Meeting at MeLA Retreat

Zoom Recording:



Coahoma Community College

Ms. Monica Johnson

Copiah-Lincoln Community College

Dr. Amanda Hood; Ms. Anna Davis

East Central Community College

Ms. Jeri Lynn Parish; Ms. Alicia Beasley

East Mississippi Community College


Ms. Kathrine Puckett; Ms. Tershuna Bass; Ms. Latoya Clark; Ms. Jennifer James (virtual) Ms. Tish Stewart; Ms. Nancy Parkerson; Ms. Shalon Farris (virtual) Ms. Denise Gillespie (virtual); Ms. Tequila Sunrise; Ms. Stacey Hughes; Ms. Heather Franks Ms. Melanie Francis . Ashley Beard (virtual)

Hinds Community College

Holmes Community College

Itawamba Community College

Jones College

Meridian Community College

Dr. Kelley Gonzales

Ms. Carmen Brown; Mr. Jason Zuehlke; Ms. Sara Bucannon Ms. Michelle Pickering; Ms. Buffy Matthews

Mississippi Delta Community College

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College

Ms. Sabine Zabarovska (virtual); Ms. Kim Harris (virtual)

Northeast Mississippi Community College

Ms. Phyllis Johnson; Ms. Angel Nickens; Ms. Kim Steinman Ms. Michele Mitchell; Ms. Christine Davis; Ms. Sonya Hunt

Northwest Mississippi Community College

Pearl River Community College

Southwest Mississippi Community College

Ms. Alicia Shows

Dr. Krista Lebrun; Dr. Arianna Stokes; Dr. Christa Wilhite (virtual)

MS Community College Board





Hinds Community College

Ms. Katherine Puckett

Ms. Michele Mitchell

President Elect Pearl River Community College


East Central Community College

Ms. Alicia Beasley



A. Call to Order: Ms. Katherine Puckett, Hinds, 9:19 am

B. Roll Call: Ms. Alicia Beasley, ECCC

C. Approval of April 2022 Minutes

1. Motion to approve: Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC 2. Second to approve: Dr. Amanda Hood, Co-Lin 3. Approved Unanimously

D. Approval of June 2022 Agenda

1. Motion to approve: Ms. Tequila Sunrise, ICC 2. Second to approve: Ms. Phyllis Johnson, NWCC 3. Approved Unanimously


New Business A. Officer Election Procedures – Ms. Tish Stewart, Holmes

Discussion on how our group elects officers and if procedures need to be changed. The group will come up with ideas and discuss at our next meeting.

B. FY2023 Budget – Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB Copies were presented to members in attendance. It has also been shared with the Presidents. A couple of items will need to be modified. Once that is done, the updated budget will be shared with Dr. Graham. C. FY2023-2026 Contractual Services – Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB 1. Canvas contract expires June 30, 2023. Dr. LeBrun will try to keep increase from going over 3%. Canvas Catalog is $12,000 a year. Dr. LeBrun will negotiate for credit card payments. 2. Link-Systems – Contract was amended to purchase for remainder of year. 3. Smarter Services – Numbers may change based on services we decide to go with. Contract expires in June 2023. Decision will need to be made by October with the services we are going with so contract can be executed on time. 4. TurnItIn – Flat rate for the next three years. 5. MELO – No room to negotiate. 6. SARA – Based on FTE. D. TurnItIn Update – Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB Renewal was turned in to ITS in October. There has been a change in administration there. It was noticed that there was a limitation of liability clause in the contract which is not allowed in Mississippi. TurnItIn has been notified. There may have to be a special-called meeting to get contract. E. RFP Update – Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB We have about 10,000 hours remaining. A committee needs to be formed and a Google Doc will be created for volunteers. LinkSystems expires in June 2023, and we need a solution to start 2023. F. MOA Update – Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB Waiting on two colleges to submit survey. Results along with copies of the signed MOA will be placed in Canvas MELA course. G. Spring 2022 MSVCC Academy Feedback and Data – Dr. Arianna

Stokes, MCCB A handout was presented with Spring 2022 statistics. The Course Development Program has had more participants than Growing with Canvas and Digging Deeper with Canvas H. Fall 2022 MSVCC Academy Announcements – Dr. Arianna Stokes, MCCB 1. Implementation of tagging content 2. Consortium specific courses will be hidden from outsiders 3. Let Dr. Stokes know if you would like to be a presenter, have special topics that need covered, or need Catalog assistance


Action Items A. Officer Elections – Ms. Tish Stewart, Holmes

Ms. Alicia Beasley, ECCC, was elected President, and Ms. Tequila Sunrise, ICC, was elected secretary. Alicia Shows, Southwest, made the motion and Carmen Brown, MDCC, seconded.


Open Forum A. Academic Integrity at MCC – Dr. Kelley Gonzales, MCC

Students have been getting past instructors to write papers for students. Check the author of the paper in Microsoft Word and make sure students only submit papers in Microsoft Word so TurnItIn can be used. B. List of our Google Docs Dr. Christa Wilhite, MCCB, will work to get all MELA related Google Docs in the MELA course. C. Inclusive Access Opt-Out Option, Ms. Alicia Shows, Southwest Pell grant student must have the option to opt out. Southwest uses Cengage Unlimited, so students should not have to pay if they take courses at other institutions that use Cengage. Northwest allows students to opt-out if they can prove they purchased the book elsewhere. D. Retreat Sponsors – Ms. Michele Mitchelle, PRCC 1. SmarterID – MELA would like quotes. Dr. LeBrun will get these.

2. CitiLabs – MELA would like quotes. Dr. LeBrun will get these. 3. Class – No interest at this time due to password issue. E. Strategic Plan and Committees – Ms. Michele Mitchell, PRCC Administrative committee will meet to work on mission, vision, goals, committees, etc.


Announcements 1. Next meeting – July 13 th at 9 am

VI. Adjournment

Buffy Matthew, MCGCC made the motion, and Dr. Kelley Gonzales, seconded.

Mississippi eLearning Association Minutes Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Zoom Recording:



Coahoma Community College

Ms. Monica Johnson

Copiah-Lincoln Community College

Dr. Amanda Hood

East Central Community College

Ms. Jeri Lynn Parish; Ms. Alicia Beasley

East Mississippi Community College

Ms. Chris Square – left at 9:25 a.m.

Hinds Community College

Ms. Latoya Clark

Ms. Nancy Parkerson; Ms. Shalon Farris; Ms. Gina Hartley Ms. Denise Gillespie; Ms. Tequila Sunrise;

Holmes Community College

Itawamba Community College

Jones College

Ms. Ashley Beard

Dr. Kelley Gonzales; Ms. Holley Purvis; Ms. Erin Richardson Ms. Carmen Brown; Mr. Jason Zuehlke; Ms. Sara Bucannon Ms. Michelle Pickering; Ms. Buffy Matthews

Meridian Community College

Mississippi Delta Community College

Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College

Northeast Mississippi Community College

Ms. Sabine Zabarovska; Ms. Kim Harris

Northwest Mississippi Community College

Ms. Kim Steinman

Ms. Michele Mitchell; Ms. Christine Davis; Ms. Sonya Hunt

Pearl River Community College

Southwest Mississippi Community College

Ms. Alicia Shows

Dr. Krista Lebrun; Dr. Arianna Stokes; Dr. Christa Wilhite

MS Community College Board





Hinds Community College

Ms. Katherine Puckett

Ms. Michele Mitchell

President Elect Pearl River Community College


East Central Community College

Ms. Alicia Beasley


Preliminaries A. Call to Order: Ms. Michele Mitchell, 9:02 am

B. Roll Call: Ms. Alicia Beasley, ECCC C. Approval of April 2022 Minutes

1. Motion to approve: Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC 2. Second to approve: Dr. Amanda Hood, Co-Lin 3. Approved Unanimously

D. Approval of June 2022 Agenda

1. Motion to approve: Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC 2. Second to approve: Dr. Amanda Hood, Co-Lin 3. Approved Unanimously


New Business A. Cidi Labs Products – Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB

One-year and three-year quotes were provided for Cidi Labs Products: DesignPlus, ReadyGo. Pricing is very competitive compared to only one school purchasing. We will discuss/review more at the next meeting. B. AspireEDU – Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB Formal quote had not been received at the time of the meeting; however, a price quote of $4.75 per student was given by email. The normal price is $5.00 per students. There will be a 2% increase in year 2 and 3. We will discuss/review more at the next meeting.

C. Link-Systems – Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB Contact was made to Dr. LeBrun stating that they are offering a Crossroads of Learning: Developing Effective Tutors to Increase Student Success course on an individual basis. The cost is $259 per tutor. D. RSI Webinar Series AY22/23 – Dr. Christa Wilhite, MCCB A series of 6-7 webinars are being created for those interested. E. CDP Completer Announcement – Dr. Christa Wilhite, MCCB One person from East Mississippi Community College completed all of the CDP courses. He will be recognized. F. Canvas CSM Follow-Up Questions – Dr. Christa Wilhite, MCCB Anyone that had feedback please email or call Dr. Christa Wilhite. G. Proctoring Roundtable Inquiry – Dr. Christa Wilhite, MCCB The question was posed to see if there was interest in having a roundtable discussion amongst proctors relating to issues. It would be helpful for proctors to get together and discuss problems and solutions that they have After hearing from Ms. Carmen Brown, MDCC, about Academic Integrity issues, the question was posed to see if developing an Academic Integrity course would be beneficial. The course could be put in Canvas Commons. After discussion, it was decided this would be beneficial. I. Consortium Call Reminder – Dr. Christa Wilhite, MCCB Dr. Christa Wilhite, MCCB, reminded everyone of the Canvas Consortium call today at 12:30. J. Catalog Implementation – Dr. Arianna Stokes, MCCB A survey is linked in the meeting minutes. One person from each community college needs to complete it. Also, if your community college needs a payment portal set-up, let Dr. Arianna Stokes, MCCB, know. Site visits will be made to make implementation as easy as possible. encountered. It was decided an in-person meeting would be best. H. Academic Integrity Course – Dr. Christa Wilhite, MCCB

K. Fall 2022 Courses and Webinars – Dr. Arianna Stokes, MCCB Course offerings are published on MSVCC Academy for the fall. A summer Growing with Canvas was offered based on recommendations from last MELA meeting, and it currently has 30 participants. Courses for August include Growing with Canvas, Digging Deeper with Canvas, and Course Basics. L. Administrative Committee Updates – Ms. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC 1. Election Procedures proposal – will create consistency, stability, and time to plan; possibly model verbiage and policy after MACC and/or AOA • Every college must serve • Start at secretary to learn and then rotate to President-elect, President • Does not have to be Director/Dean of eLearning but should be someone with support from Director/Dean • Option to serve two years • Clause for colleges with one or two eLearning staff or new director: o Allow to skip for one year. The next year that college would become secretary after spending a full year in their existing role 2. Strategic Plan • Mission Statement revision draft - The mission of the MSVCC is to provide access to flexible instructional offerings for those individuals who choose not to take courses at a physical location on a Mississippi community and junior college campus. Additionally, the mission is to support the community and junior colleges in Mississippi by providing access to instructional technologies and resources for all students and faculty. Michele Mitchell suggested adding the word academic in front of instructional offerings. • Vision Statement revision draft - The purpose of the strategic plan is

to guide the MSVCC in achieving its vision for the current cycle period (usually four years). The vision of the strategic cycle is to

provide quality, accessible, and flexible instructional offerings through the utilization of instructional technologies while ensuring integrity, supporting students, and providing resources for faculty success. • Rationale revision draft - Many community college students who meet enrollment requirements for their institution choose not to attend college traditionally for various reasons. The need to provide educational opportunities through flexible instructional offerings continues to rise due to national economic trends and uncontrollable circumstances. The partnership between the MSVCC and fifteen MS community and junior colleges provides quality online course offerings and services to meet this educational need for students no matter their location. 3. Strategic Initiatives proposal – must align with vision • Success – Promote opportunities for faculty and student achievement through oversight of MELA Policies and Procedures, Strategic Plan, and Committees. This would be the Administrative committee. • Quality – Ensure online courses meet academic content and integrity standards, to include innovative instructional design which addresses diverse learning styles. • Support – Recommend methods/modes to support usage or adoption of accessible instructional technologies for students and faculty 4. MSVCC Goals proposal The goals of the MSVCC are to encourage progress by: 1. Promoting opportunities for faculty and student achievement through oversight of MELA Policies and Procedures, Strategic Plan, and Committees (Success)

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