MELA Minutes 2021-2022

history, the purpose, basic principles, basic definitions, types of motions, and frequently asked questions. The following questions were asked during the presentation:  How to get the group back on track  Tabling a motion and bringing a tabled motion back up  Voting/Quorums and specifically about voting via Zoom and abstaining from the vote.  Format of an agenda  Roll call  Naming a proxy if absent. 2. SmarterID Demo – Dr. Christa Wilhite, MCCB Last month, SmarterServices provided a Smarter ID demo, and the recording was sent out to the eLC. Dr. Christa Wilhite wanted to know if the group would like a live demo of the product. SmarterServices has agreed to provide a live demo and wants to meet the needs of our group. Mrs. Carmen Brown, MDCC, stated that they were considering BioSig but would consider SmarterID. Mrs. Katherine Puckett, Hinds, stated that we need something for SACSCOC compliance. Mrs. Denise Gillespie, ICC, agreed with Mrs. Katherine Puckett and said it would be good for financial aid and accreditation purposes. Dr. Christa Wilhite asked if the group wanted her to schedule another meeting with SmarterID. Mrs. Buffy Matthews, MGCCC, and Mrs. Carmen Brown, MDCC, stated yes. Dr. Amanda Hood, Co-Lin, made the motion to schedule a demo. Mrs. Phyliss Johnson, NWMCC, seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously. 3. Canvas Consortium Calls – Dr. Christa Wilhite, MCCB Dr. Christa Wilhite told the group that our monthly meetings are only lasting 20 to 30 minutes each time and wanted to know if the group wanted to start meeting bimonthly or quarterly. After a discussion amongst the group, it was decided to move the meeting to bimonthly

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