MELA Minutes 2021-2022

3. Let Dr. Arianna Stokes know of any issues with catalog access F. College Sandbox Course Inquiry – Dr. Arianna Stokes 1. Discussion of creation for playground courses for MSVCC Academy. Should eLC create in college instance or should it be created at MCCB? Suggestions – (1) Poll prior to course offering to see if participant is associated with college (2) Free Canvas account (3) API to auto create Announcements 1. Next meeting – February 9 th , 9am 2. Dr. Kelly Gonzales asked how to get an item on the agenda. She was told to contact Dr. Christa Wilhite or Ms. Katherine Puckett. She was also told that she could add the item to the agenda in the MELA Canvas course. 3. Announcement made that Mr. Wilson Knight, ICC and Ms. Stacey Smith, NWCC would be leaving their positions Adjournment • Ms. Denise Gillespie, ICCC, made the motion. Ms. Jennifer James, Hinds, seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously.



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