MELA Minutes 2021-2022

B. FY2023 Budget – Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB Copies were presented to members in attendance. It has also been shared with the Presidents. A couple of items will need to be modified. Once that is done, the updated budget will be shared with Dr. Graham. C. FY2023-2026 Contractual Services – Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB 1. Canvas contract expires June 30, 2023. Dr. LeBrun will try to keep increase from going over 3%. Canvas Catalog is $12,000 a year. Dr. LeBrun will negotiate for credit card payments. 2. Link-Systems – Contract was amended to purchase for remainder of year. 3. Smarter Services – Numbers may change based on services we decide to go with. Contract expires in June 2023. Decision will need to be made by October with the services we are going with so contract can be executed on time. 4. TurnItIn – Flat rate for the next three years. 5. MELO – No room to negotiate. 6. SARA – Based on FTE. D. TurnItIn Update – Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB Renewal was turned in to ITS in October. There has been a change in administration there. It was noticed that there was a limitation of liability clause in the contract which is not allowed in Mississippi. TurnItIn has been notified. There may have to be a special-called meeting to get contract. E. RFP Update – Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB We have about 10,000 hours remaining. A committee needs to be formed and a Google Doc will be created for volunteers. LinkSystems expires in June 2023, and we need a solution to start 2023. F. MOA Update – Dr. Krista LeBrun, MCCB Waiting on two colleges to submit survey. Results along with copies of the signed MOA will be placed in Canvas MELA course. G. Spring 2022 MSVCC Academy Feedback and Data – Dr. Arianna

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