MELA Minutes 2021-2022

with Canvas to set these up. There will be a limit on participants for each training sessions. For now, one person from each institution can be added to the participation list. Dr. Wilhite will send out a link to a google document to add your participant. The session will be recorded and will then be sent out to others who would like to review it.  Quality Letters: Quality letter are due in October. There will be an assignment set up in the MELA course site to upload them electronically.  MELA Beta Course: Dr. Wilhite needed feedback on the BETA MELA course and which course site the group would like to keep. Several members suggested we move forward with the new course and archive the old course. After the discussion, the group decided to go with the new course and Dr. Wilhite will rename it accordingly.  Support Resources: The new course does have a support resources page. If you would like to add items to the page, you will need to let Dr. Wilhite know.  CDP: Phyllis Johnson kicked off the new training course on Monday of the Course Development Program. There are 19 participants. Christine’s course “Objectives and Assessments” will begin in October and it is open for registration in the Academy Catalog. The start has been successful and we are looking forward to getting feedback from the participants. If you are an instructional designer and would like to be a part of a group to help put together resources for the MELA group, you can reach out to Dr. Wilhite.

Dr. Christa Wilhite:

Dr. Arianna Stokes:

 MSCUG: The MSCUG will begin on Friday at 9am.

Registration is still open and they will be recorded if you want to register but are unable to attend. If anyone has any questions reach out to Dr. Stokes.


Unfinished Business:

a. 8-Week absence date change: 8-week courses now have a maximum allowed absence of 2 instead of 1. Dr. Lebrun was informed after questioning the information, the change occurred in 2019 when the census dates were changes. Most MELA members stated they were unaware of this change as well as Dr. LeBrun. The Policy and Procedure Manual still

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