MELA Minutes 2022-2023

report a running list of issues for each of our current vendor products. That way they can track the common issues and make the vendors aware of those issues. Dr. Christa Wilhite (MCCB) already keeps a running Help Desk record of issues that she is made aware of by institutions. Ms. Latoya Clark-Horn (HINDS) asked if we have a master vendor contact list. Dr. Krista LeBrun (MCCB) confirmed we have one in the MELA course, but that it needs to be updated and she put it on her To Do List. The Admin committee will be asking each committee for their strategic planning goals and objectives to add to one document. Each committee can send the information to Ms. Michele Mitchell (PRCC).


Old Business

Action Items A. MSVCC Policy and Procedures Vote in April – Everyone should look over the document and let Dr. Krista LeBrun (MCCB) know of any grammatical or typo errors. V. Open Forum A. Proctor Contact Info during CFTTC – Ms. Tish Stewart (HOLMES) asked everyone to update their proctor information to someone that will be able to handle calls/emails if their normal proctor contact will be at CFTTC. Announcements A. MELA April meeting - Ms. Michele Mitchell (PRCC) asked if we would like to have a face-to-face meeting in April or continue virtually if our agenda seems to be small. It was agreed that our April 12 meeting will be held virtually. B. MELA Retreat – The date is finalized, and reservations are confirmed with Pearl River Resort. Forms went out this week regarding food choices etc. If anyone wants a vegetarian meal option let Ms. Alicia Beasley (ECCC) know. She will be sending out another form soon for cooking preferences for the filet mignon option. VII. Adjournment VI.

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