MELA Minutes 2023-2024

6. Coahoma, and ECCC were not present. 7. Motion was approved.


Open Forum A. Angel Nickens (NWCC) - Are any other schools having a lot of requests for Canvas shells for clubs, organizations, etc. for communication purposes? 1. The issues were discussed about the increase in requests for new Canvas shells and concerns about excessive communication. Several concerns were mentioned about students receiving too many messages through Canvas, potentially causing them to overlook important communication from instructors. Other options were discussed including controlling and streamlining announcements, such as using campus-specific widgets and exploring the involvement of the PR department. B. Admin Committee - Fall 2025 - Summer 2026 MSVCC Calendar 1. Buffy said the calendar had been sent out and requested that everyone update the holiday calendar for their respective schools in the MELA course. Tish asked how everyone was handling the new Year-round High School terms. Several colleges said they are requiring students to follow the college schedule. C. Jason Zuehlke (MDCC) - Are any other colleges locking down testing labs by using allow/block lists? The group discussed various issues related to proctoring. Several colleges mentioned they were using Respondus Lockdown browser. They also shared concerns about students getting kicked out of Canvas during tests. D. Amanda Hood (Co-Lin) – Amanda asked if anyone had a workaround for the Canvas app since they have changed their Canvas student access location at Co-Lin. Jason recommended a QR Code workaround for accessing Canvas through the app and authentication settings. E. Jason discussed the need to prioritize the exploration of new products and mentioned that a survey was being prepared with recommendations from both his and Christina's committees. They aimed to send out the survey before the next MELA meeting and requested a prompt response from everyone.



VII. Adjournment

1. Motion to Adjourn– Amanda Hood – Co-Lin 2. Second to Adjourn – Buffy Matthews - MGCCC 3. Meeting Adjourned 9:37 a.m.

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