MELA Minutes 2023-2024


Action Items A. P&P to include statement regarding attendance.

1. Motion to include attendance statement in P&P – (Alicia Shows – SWCC). 2. Seconded: Buffy Matthews – MGCCC 3. Eleven colleges approved the motion. 4. MCCB approved the motion. 5. MDCC, Co-Lin, NEMCC, and Hinds, were not present at the vote. 6. The motion was approved. B. MELO Budget 3-year proposal through ITS instead of ICC 1. Motion - Approve MELA Budget Request and move forward with using procurement services. (Buffy Matthews – MGCCC).

2. Seconded: Michelle Mitchell – PRCC 3. Twelve colleges approved the motion. 4. MCCB approved the motion. 5. MDCC, Southwest, Coahoma, were not present at the vote. 6. The motion was approved.


Open Forum A. Respondus Poll(NW). Less than 50% of colleges are using Respondus. B. Testing Integrity with Assistive Technology: Bluetooth Enabled Hearing Aids (KL). 1. Discussed the use of Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids as assistive technology and the potential implications for academic integrity. Sean Doty raised the issue and expressed hesitancy in addressing it due to the complexities involved. The group engaged in a discussion

to explore if any community colleges had encountered this issue and if there were any existing policies or discussions on the matter. The potential for cheating via Bluetooth-enabled assistive

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