MELA Minutes 2023-2024

intent to delve deeper into the reporting process with Kayley's assistance to address the missing section path concern effectively. B. Professional Licensure Disclosure Letter Template (CB) - During the meeting, Carmen Brown inquired about the availability of a template for a professional licensure disclosure letter to ensure consistency across the board, especially for students entering from Allied Health programs. The aim was to align with professional licensure guidelines and have a standardized approach for sending out these letters. Buffy Matthews mentioned that at Gulf Coast, efforts were underway to create template letters by some vice presidents, with plans to share them once finalized. Carmen highlighted the importance of having a unified letter within the consortium for consistency. The discussion concluded without further input on the matter. C. Reminder: Spring Holiday Calendar Updates D. Turnitin Issues(Erin and Holley) - During the meeting, concerns were raised about a significant increase in Turnitin issues last semester at MCC, with challenges in receiving consistent support due to turnover at Turnitin. English instructors faced unresolved issues and resorted to workarounds, such as adjusting due dates to ensure Turnitin functionality. The discussion highlighted instances where tickets were not effectively addressed, leading to a backlog of unresolved problems. The team sought to determine if these issues were unique to MCC or more widespread. Subsequent dialogue delved into technical details regarding LTI versions and the variability in AI detection functionality across different courses and assignments. Collaborative efforts were proposed to investigate the root cause of these challenges and address them effectively, emphasizing the need for a coordinated approach to resolve the ongoing Turnitin issues. Announcements A. Office 365 Integration use issue with cross-institution students(J.Zuehlke) 1. Sent issue to IT group for review - - document included for review –


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