MELA Minutes 2023-2024

will need to be updated in the Fiscal Year 2025 Memorandum of Agreement. f. Canvas in Mississippi: Jess Awtrey invitation

1. Instructure has offered to come to an event in Mississippi. They would like to bring their executive leadership and present on different topics/products. Further discussion needed by MELA.

2. Dr. Christa Wilhite, MCCB

a. Brainfuse Integration Update 1. According to Dr. Wilhite, the integration was completed for all 15 community colleges. 2. Several free tools are currently available through Brainfuse that do not require the paid version. Dr. Wilhite will provide support on September 1 st . Your logo should be present in your Brainfuse instance. b. MSVCC Website Survey 1. Requesting information to revamp website c. Adjunct Opportunity Database 1. Dr. Wilhite is creating a form that will keep an updated pool of adjunct instructors. d. Update ELC Contact List 1. Dr. Wilhite asked that everyone update their current contact lists to ensure that everything is up to date.

3. Dr. Arianna Stokes, MCCB a. August PD Report

1. Dr. Stokes gave updates on MSVCC Academy

a. Courses: Growing with Canvas, Digging Deeper, Course Basics b. September courses available for enrollment now. 2. Webinars: AI Tools for Accessibility, Teaching Gen Z, Tips and Tricks for SmarterProctoring

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