MSVCC Policies and Procedures Manual
D. To record and update all Association membership information and distribute within the eLearning Association Resource Course
All officers shall serve one-year terms, but are eligible for re-election. No officer shall serve more than two consecutive one-year terms.
When a vacancy exists, nominations for newmembers shall be received from Association members. These nominations will be sent to, the chair of the Administration committee to be vetted and to be voted upon at the next Association meeting. All vacancies will be filled only to the end of the particular Association member's term. Article IV: Election of Officers As previously mentioned, the election of officers shall be conducted during the May meeting of the Association. Nominations are to be submitted to the chair of the Administration committee in April for a vetting process. Voting will take place for each position individually with one vote per school. Article V: Meetings of Members Members meet every 2nd Wednesday of each month and conduct a retreat annually. Strategic Planning for the MSVCC is conducted bi-annually. Notice of each meeting shall be given to each voting member, by email, not less than seven days before the meeting. A two-thirds majority of the Association must be present to conduct formal business. Special meetings may be called by the President or by a two-thirds majority of the Association. Article VI: Order of Business Call to Order, Approval of Minutes for the preceding meeting, Unfinished Business, New Business, Action Items, Open Forum, and Adjournment. Article VII: Voting An eLearning Association member may declare motions to the group for a vote. Once the motion has been made, the motion must be seconded by a fellow eLearning association member. Each college will then cast one vote on the motioned item. No college may vote by proxy or absentee ballots.
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