MSVCC Policies and Procedures Manual
Appendix C: Core Course Evaluation Guide
These course guidelines should be the basis for each institution’s evaluation process. Additional measures may be implemented according to college needs. The process for evaluating these core guidelines will be decided upon by individual colleges.
Navigation and Design
A. Course introduction and navigation instructions are present
B. Course design is user friendly (easy to navigate, logical, and consistent)
Course Information
A. MSVCC standardized syllabus components are included within the course
B. Instructor information is posted including contact information and office hours
C. Course Calendar is provided to students which includes due dates and timeline
Course Content
Content is logically organized
B. Instructional materials are presented that support the learning objectives
A. Student knowledge of learning objectives is fairly and adequately measured
B. Proctored exams are clearly identified and located
Interaction and Support
Feedback and grading are timely and substantial
B. Appropriate interaction opportunities between instructor/student and student/student are provided
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