MSVCC Policies and Procedures Manual
State appropriations will be awarded only for Internet (on-line) courses that are offered through the Mississippi Virtual Community College. Internet courses may be defined as those that are not classroom based, content is delivered online, do not require regular campus attendance, can be accomplished from a remote site, and are distinguished from hybrid courses, which are merely internet enhanced. Colleges will be compensated according to their roles as host and/ or provider institutions for students and courses.
Memorandum of Agreement
All colleges participating in the MSVCC will agree to basic MSVCC operational guidelines as set forth in the MSVCC Policies and Procedures manual and will sign a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) (APPENDIX A: Example Memorandum of Agreement) with the MCCB that outlines the primary responsibilities of the MCCB and the participating colleges.
Along with the MOA, colleges will complete the Evaluation Survey for MSVCC (APPENDIX A - Attachment A). The MOA and the Evaluation Survey shall be signed/completed annually.
Strategic Plan
The purpose of the MSVCC Strategic Plan is to guide the eLearning Association in achieving its vision for the current cycle period (usually four years.)
The vision for this strategic cycle is to expand opportunities for student success in online courses by utilizing emerging technologies to accommodate a variety of learning styles, creating more robust online communities, increasing focus on student services, and growing program offerings while ensuring integrity and promoting the benefits of the MSVCC. Focus will be on quality, retention, support, and growth.
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