NCCER Resource Manual

MCCB Office of Curriculum & Instruction

H OW TO R EMOVE A T EST FROM THE T EST A SSIGNMENT L IST Removing a Test from the View Assignment list allows Testing Locations to maintain and organize their current list of active Test Titles . This process can only be completed by Testing System Administrators , or someone with Manage Tests permissions.

1. Log in the NCCER Testing System. 2. Choose the Testing Location you wish to


3. Select Test Assignments .

Please note that the system does not require you to confirm your action before deleting the Test Title from the list, so please use caution when clicking this icon! Proceed to Step 4 .

4. Click the Delete icon to remove the Test Title from the list of Test Assignments.

Tip: If the Delete icon is grayed-out and unable to be clicked, this means there are test takers currently assigned to the test. If you wish to proceed, the assigned test takers must first be removed using the following steps:

a. Click the View icon for the Test Title you wish to affect. This will open the View Assignment screen.

b. Click the Delete icon to remove each Assigned Test-Taker from the View Assignment screen.

c. Select the

button (top-left of screen) to return to the Test Assignments

screen and proceed with caution to Step 4.

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