Professional Licensure and State Authorization Process Guide

Appendix E: Professional Licensure Disclosure Template25
Appendix F: Professional Licensure Disclosure by State28
Appendix G: Professional Licensure Disclosure Policy31
Example G.1-Texas Christian University: Disclosure Requirements for Academic Programs Leading to Professional Licensure31
This policy applies to academic programs leading to professional licensure and/or certification. This policy is written to comply with regulatory and accreditation requirements including the Higher Education Act and related regulations, Southern Assoc...32
This policy describes the process for TCU to discharge its obligations under federal law and regulations, accreditation requirements, and the State Authorization and Reciprocity Agreement:32
 to make a good faith effort to determine if its Professional Programs meet the educational prerequisites for Licensure for each state and territory in the United States; and32
 to disclose to students enrolled in its Professional Programs whether its Professional Programs meet educational prerequisites for Licensure in the state or territory where the student engages in educational activities.32
A. Professional Program(s): An academic or degree program at TCU that prepares a student to practice in a field that may require Licensure to practice in a particular state or US territory.32
B. Licensure: An official process administered by a state-level or territory-level authority that is required by law for an individual to practice a regulated profession in that state or territory.32
C. Professional Licensure Disclosures: the disclosures by TCU to students and prospective students concerning whether a Professional Program meets educational prerequisites for Licensure or Certification of the various states and US territories. The t...32
All Professional Programs, whether offered online or on-campus, must create and distribute disclosure statements regarding whether the program does or does not lead to Licensure in each state within the United State and U.S. Territories. The following...33
B. Deans. Deans of each school/college will maintain oversight of the Professional Programs within their school/college and will ensure that the disclosures required by this policy are completed consistent with this policy. To provide this oversight, ...33
1. Communicate this policy and its expectations on a regular, at least annual, basis.33
2. Identify Professional Programs in the school/college that have disclosure obligations under this policy.33
3. Monitor the implementation of this policy within the school/college.33
4. Maintain records of communicating and monitoring the requirements of this policy, and provide these records on an annual basis to the Director of Institutional Effectiveness.33
C. Registrar. The Registrar shall obtain from each student upon registration for a course that is part of the curriculum particular to a Professional Program the physical location where the student will be engaged educational activity.33
D. Professional Program Director. The Program Director of each Professional Program will manage and communicate the disclosures required by this policy. Each Program Director shall:33
1. Each year make a good faith effort to determine if the program meets the educational prerequisites for professional licensure or certification for Texas as well as other states. State determinations will be prioritized based on the states in which ...33
2. For any Professional Program that typically includes a significant distance learning component, comply with disclosure requirements, including disclosures to applicants, as required by the State Authorization and Reciprocity Agreements (Professiona...33
3. On the last day of pre-registration for each term, retrieve from the Registrar the physical location of each student enrolled in any Professional Program course.33
4. Archive the physical location of each student throughout enrollment in the Professional Program.33
5. Provide each student upon enrolling for the first time in a Professional Program course the Professional Licensure and Certification Disclosures within five days of the final day of pre-registration for the term.34
6. If a student’s physical location changes to a different state or US territory when enrolling in Professional Program course (including for internships or clinical experiences for academic credit), provide the student updated Professional Licensure ...34
7. If a student’s physical location when enrolled in any Professional Program course (including for internships or clinical experiences bearing academic credit) is in a state or US territory for which TCU has not made a determination whether the Profe...34
a. If the Professional Program is able to determine whether it meets the educational requirements for Licensure in that state or US territory, the Professional Program shall provide that information in writing to the student within fourteen days of th...34
b. If the Professional Program is not able to determine whether it meets the educational requirements for Licensure in that state or US territory, the Professional Program shall notify the student within fourteen days in writing that the Professional ...34
8. Provide and annually update public Professional Licensure and Certification Disclosures in written and digital formats when advertising Professional Programs. Locations of these disclosures may include the program website, program handbook, catalog...34
1. A list of states and US territories for which TCU has determined that the Professional Program meets the educational requirements for Licensure and/or Certification.34
2. A list of states and US territories for which TCU has determined that the Professional Program DOES NOT meet the educational requirements for Licensure or Certification.34
3. A list of states and US territories for which TCU has not made a determination whether the Professional Program meets the educational requirements for Licensure and/or Certification. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, and US34
territories should be accounted for in one of the three categories listed in Sections E.1, E.2., or E.3.35
4. A statement tailored to each Professional Program strongly encouraging students who are considering enrolling in the Professional Program and who intend to pursue professional licensure in a specific state to contact the appropriate licensing agenc...35
The Dean of each school/college for each Professional Program will monitor and enforce compliance with this policy within their school/college.35
The Office of Institutional Effectiveness will maintain a cycle of annual review of this policy and is responsible for administering and interpreting this policy. To administer this policy, the Director of Institutional Effectiveness will:35
 Conduct an annual review of this policy to assess its relevance and alignment with current practice.35
 Maintain a list of Professional Programs and publish this list on the TCU website.35
 Request an annual review of this list by Deans and Program Directors.35
 Update the list of Professional Programs on an annual basis.35
 Ensure each school/college Dean has provided, on an annual basis, documentation of policy communication and monitoring.35
 Archive the documentation of policy review, communication, and compliance.35
The Professional Licensure and Certification Policy is effective as of July 1, 2020.35
TCU policy on Distance Learning and Web-Enhanced Courses.35
Example G.2-Idaho State University: Professional Licensure Disclosures37
Professional Licensure Disclosure ISUPP 413038
Appendix H: Professional Licensure Student Location Policy41
Example H.1-Minnesota State Community and Technical College: Professional Licensure Disclosures: Determining Student Location Policy41
Steward: Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and Technology Solutions42
To ensure Minnesota State Community and Technical College is in compliance with the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations 34 CFR 668.43(a)(5)(v) and 34 CFR 668.43(c), which require disclosures for programs that lead to a professional licensure or certifica...42
Students who are currently enrolled and actively taking classes in a Minnesota State Community and Technical College educational program.42
An academic program designed for or marketed as fulfilling the purpose of preparing graduates to meet the educational requirements for initial professional licensure or certification42
requirements of a state board. Optional certifications administered through the private sector fall outside the scope of this policy.43
Students who have applied for admission into a Minnesota State Community and Technical College educational program but have not yet attended the first day of class and therefore do not yet have a financial commitment to the College.43
Students include current students and prospective students.43
Federal Regulation 34 CFR 668.43(a)(5)(v) requires an institution to make readily available to prospective and enrolled students information about whether programs leading to professional licensure or certification meet educational requirements. Minne...43
If an educational program offered by the College is designed to meet educational requirements for a specific professional license or certification that is required for employment in an occupation, or is advertised as meeting such requirements, informa...43
(A) A list of all states for which the institution has determined that its curriculum meets the state educational requirements for licensure or certification;43
(B) A list of all states for which the institution has determined that its curriculum does not meet43
the state educational requirements for licensure or certification; and43
(C) A list of all states for which the institution has not made a determination that its curriculum meets the state educational requirements for licensure or certification;43
Direct professional licensure disclosures43
A direct disclosure is required by 34 CFR 668.43(c) by the institution to the student in writing (email or letter) if the program leading to professional licensure or certification does not meet,43
or if it is not determined if it meets, requirements for the state in which a student is located.44
Prospective students – A direct disclosure will be sent to prospective students before a financial obligation is made if a student is located in a state that does not meet, or it is not determined to meet, the state’s professional licensure requiremen...44
Enrolled students – If a student is enrolled in a program and the institution makes a later determination that the program does not meet, or it is not determined as meeting, educational requirements for licensure or certification in the state where th...44
For the purpose of this policy, institutions must determine student location (i.e., state) in order to disclose state-specific professional licensure information:44
1. At the time of the student’s initial enrollment in an educational program, and44
2. Upon formal notification by the student of a change in the student’s location44
All other College or Minnesota State system policies that determine Minnesota residency for the purpose of tuition assessment are not superseded by this policy.44
For the purpose of this policy, a prospective student’s location is the state of the prospective student’s residency at the time the student has applied for admission, intends to enroll and is then entered into the student record system. For students ...44
The student location for enrolled students is the state where the enrolled student resides and is based on the permanent home address entered into the student record system. For students whose permanent address does not include a U.S. state or territo...44
Student location designations will remain in effect unless and until a student officially notifies the College that their permanent address has changed. Once a student notifies the College, the date of entry will be used as the effective date of a stu...44
• Students will follow the proper procedure to officially notify the College of a change in their permanent address.45
• If a student is considering relocating, they will contact their academic advisor to discuss potential specific state requirements for their program’s applicable licensure board(s) in the state where they intend to obtain a license.45
• The College will comply with federal regulation by maintaining a list of general public disclosures found at
• The College will comply with federal regulations by sending direct disclosures (via mail or email) to students when applicable.45
• The College will comply with federal regulations by keeping a record of disclosures that are sent.45
Minnesota State Community and Technical College, A member of the Minnesota State system45
Example H.2-University of Madison-Wisconsin Determination of Student Location46
Approval Authority49
Policy Manager49
Policy Contact49
Policy History49
NATIONAL_Professional Licensure Disclosure Template with Comments.pdf27
Licensing Board Information27
Reviewer Information27
Professional Licensure Disclosure by State 4.13.22.pdf29
Professional Licensure Disclosure by State29
Does Meet29
Does Not Meet29
Has Not Made a Determination29
Professional Licensure8
Licensure vs. Certification8
Professional Licensure Disclosures8
34 CFR 668.43(a) (5) (v) – General Disclosures8
34 CFR 668.43(c) – Direct Disclosures9
For all modalities:9
34 CFR 600.9(c) – State Authorization10
Institutional Location Policy10
Student Location Key Points11
Responsibility of Students11
State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement12
Important aspects of SARA12
National Council for State Authorization12
Key NC-SARA Student Consumer Protections include:12
State Portal Entity13
Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation13
Eligibility Requirements for Mississippi Institutions:13
SARA’s Impact on Programs Leading to Licensure14
Mississippi Community College Review Process14
Community College Programs Leading to Licensure14
February: Licensure Program Liaison and SARA Applications15
March: Updates and Program Lead Assignments15
April: NC-SARA Applications16
June 1st: Professional Licensure Disclosure Form16
August 1st: General Disclosures16
Appendix A: Licensure Program Liaison18
Appendix B: Programs Leading to Licensure20
Appendix C: Sample Direct Disclosure Statements22
Has Not Made a Determination22
Sample 122
Sample 222
Negative Determination23
Sample 123
Sample 223
Appendix D: Professional Licensure Board Email Template24
Question: Educational Requirements for Licensure24
Email Template24

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