Section 8: Business Management
Title: Purchase of Food/Meals for Business Meetings
Initial Date of Adoption: August 15, 1996 Revision Date : November 19, 1999; May 20, 2016
Code Number: 8.3
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In addition to all standard MCCB purchasing procedures, the following procedures will be followed for all purchases of food and drinks for business meetings in which the Colleges or other Agencies and Guests are being asked to give their time to MCCB. 1. A green purchase requisition (MCCB form #3.12) will be completed by the requester and turned in approximately seven to ten business days before the meeting (this allows for proper signatures from varied schedules and preparation for ordering). In the event a meal is being requested, the requisition must clearly state the justification why a meal would be more efficient to provide on-site rather than leave the premises. The Division Director of the Supervisor will approve the requisition if he/she determines the activity is reasonably related and necessary to achieve a particular goal or perform a particular function which has been imposed by legislative enactment(s). 2. Once the requisition has been approved, the food and/or drinks will be ordered. A list (MCCB form #3.14) will be passed around at the meeting for all attendees to sign. This list includes the name and business or agency of the attendees and the location, time and date of the meeting. This list and agenda and the signed tax-exempt invoice/ticket will be forwarded to the Purchasing and Records Technician upon conclusion of the meeting. The MCCB must furnish to DFA the information listed above with the purpose and agenda for the meeting when the invoice is submitted for payment. MCCB must abide by all DFA-OPTFM guidelines for food purchases. 3. No expenditure for alcoholic beverages will be reimbursed for business meetings or personal travel. 4. No food is to be ordered for meetings consisting solely of MCCB employees unless proper justification has been approved and there are no other alternatives for the expense. 5. Meeting planners are encouraged to structure meetings utilizing technology as a first option in order to avoid a “food for meetings” meal. No food will be ordered when the meeting could be optimally held through technology assistance to ensure a more economically favorable outcome with the same meeting parameters. 6. Optimal meeting times are those scheduled prior to or after a meal time in order to avoid the purchase of a meal. No food for meetings will be ordered if the optimal meeting time is not followed. 7. Breakfast is not to be served outside of MCCB Board meetings, particularly when a lunch has been requested for the same meeting. Likewise, all meeting participants are strongly encouraged to stay at hotels that provide breakfast. 8. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring all food for meetings policies are strictly adhered to. This responsibility includes the denial of the purchase of food for meals by not signing or authorizing approval of the purchase requisition.
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