Section 8: Business Management
Title: Travel Policies
Initial Date of Adoption: June 18, 1992
Revision Date : November 19, 1999; November 16, 2012; May 20, 2016
Code Number: 8.10
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Meals, Lodging, and Other Necessary Expenses 1.
An employee shall be reimbursed for the actual cost of meals, lodging, and other necessary expenses incurred in the course of official travel subject to the approval of the Executive Director. The combined total for meals shall be reimbursed as follows: All Areas Except High Cost Areas $41.00/ day *High Cost Areas $46.00/ day - $56.00/ day The maximum state reimbursement rate is $41.00/ day unless traveling to a high cost area. A list of the maximum state reimbursement rates for high cost areas has been pre-calculated and can be found by clicking on the following link: 20Meals.htm 2. Reimbursement for lodging shall be made when overnight travel is required. In no case shall an employee be reimbursed for lodging at his/her residence. Reimbursement for lodging expenses shall be made for the amount actually paid when supported by a receipt. When an employee has a choice, professional and mature judgment should be exercised in the selection of lodging to ensure that the cost for lodging is within reason. Only single room rates are allowable. Government rates should be requested for both in-state and out-of-state lodging. Employees are encouraged to make hotel arrangements with those hotels and motels with DFA Office of Purchasing and Travel has made official State Travel Agreements. All expenses for lodging shall be billed to the employee, not the agency and marked paid when submitted with the travel expense report. 3. Taxicab charges shall be allowed from the point of approved origin to the air terminal or from the air terminal to the official destination. The State Auditor's Office requires that all taxicab charges must be accompanied by a receipt if over $10.00. Charges shall be allowed from the air terminal at destination to the hotel, place of business, or between points of official duty and return. 4. Charges for rental cars shall be allowed only when there is a demonstrated cost savings or when another means of public transportation is not available or feasible. When anticipated, car rental should receive prior approval by the Executive Director. 5. Necessary travel expenses do not include personal expense items such as entertainment and trip insurance. Reasonable expenses incurred for tips to porters, baggage persons, maids, waiters, etc., are allowable and should be itemized when reported. Charges for registration fees are allowable as other authorized expenses if accompanied by a receipt. Meals shall not be claimed as a separate item of expense on the travel voucher when included in the registration fee. 6. For more detailed travel information, refer to the “State of Mississippi State Travel Policy Rules and Regulations” at and the “Department of Finance and Administration MAAP Manual Sub-Section 13.00.00 .”
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