Section 9: Programs Title: Adult Education Act Public Law 100-297
Initial Date of Adoption: July 1, 1992 Revision Date : November 19, 1999
Code Number: 9.13
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Special Experimental Demonstration Projects and Teacher Training: Of the funds allotted to a State under section 313 for a fiscal year, not less than 10 percent shall be used for – (1) special projects which will be carried out in furtherance of the purposes of this title, which will be coordinated with other programs funded under this title, (2) training persons engaged, or preparing to engage, as personnel in programs designed to carry out the purposes of this title. Federal Share, Federal Administrative Responsibilities: Payments A. Federal Share – The Federal share of expenditures to carry out a State plan shall be paid from a State’s allotment available for grants to that State. The Federal share shall be – B. 1. 90 percent of the cost of carrying out the State’s programs for fiscal year 1988; Maintenance of Effort – (1) No payment may be made to any State form its allotment for any fiscal year unless the Secretary finds that the fiscal effort per student or the amount available for expenditure by such State for adult education from non-Federal sources for the second preceding fiscal year was not less than such fiscal effort per student or such amount available for expenditures for such purposes from such sources during the third preceding fiscal year. (2) The Secretary may waive the requirements of his subsection for 1 fiscal year only, upon making a determination that such waiver would be equitable due to exceptional or uncontrollable circumstances affecting the ability to the applicant to meet such requirements, such as a natural disaster or an unforeseen and precipitous decline in financial resources. State policies are include in the ABE Supervisor’s Handbook. C. 2. 85 percent of such cost for fiscal year 1990; D. 3. 80 percent of such cost for fiscal year 1991; and E. 4. 75 percent of such cost for fiscal year 1992 ad for each fiscal year thereafter B.
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