Section 2: Staff Employment
Title: Interview Selection Committee
Initial Date of Adoption: June 20, 2014
Revision Date: May 20, 2016
Code Number : 2.10 Page:
1 of 11
Mississippi Community College Board is an Equal Opportunity Employer and welcomes applicants without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or qualified disability. The MCCB Interview/Selection Committee will screen and select candidates to be recommended for employment with the MCCB. The Committee’s task is simple: help to select the best candidate for the position. The Chair of the MCCB Interview/Selection Committee performs a vital function for our agency. The MCCB Personnel Manager has prepared this guide to assist in carrying out this mission. The Interview/Selection Committee Process 1. When a position becomes vacant, the Supervisor and Division Director over that position are responsible for making any needed revisions to the existing job description or creating a new job description, in the event of a new position. Any revisions to an existing job description or the creation of a new job description require approval of the Executive Director and ultimately the Board. 2. The Executive Director and/or the appropriate Deputy Executive Director will appoint the Chair of the Interview/Selection Committee. 3. The Chair of the Interview/Selection Committee will provide the Board approved new or revised job description to the Personnel Manager in electronic format and will assist the Personnel Manager in the development of a Position Vacancy Announcement. (See Attachment III.) 4. The Chair will assist the Personnel Manager in completing the Vacancy Schedule. (Attachment I.) The Vacancy Schedule is completed prior to advertising and it indicates where the Chair wants to the Personnel Manager to post the Position Vacancy announcement for the position opening and it also establishes the timeline for the hiring process. This form requires the Executive Director’s approval. 5. The Chair of the Interview/Selection Committee will recommend four Interview/Selection Committee Members to the Executive Director and/or the appropriate Deputy Executive Director for his or her consideration. The Chair should recommend Committee Members that reflect the internal constituency affected by the position, as well as the diversity of the agency. The top portion of the Interview/Selection Committee Compliance Form should be completed by the Chair and approved by the Executive Director at this time. (See Attachment IV.) 6. At this point in the hiring process, the following items require the Executive Director’s approval: a. Vacancy Schedule – Attachment I b. Position Vacancy Notice Form , Attachment III c. The top portion of the Interview/Selection Committee Form , Attachment IV. 7. The Personnel Manager will distribute the Position Vacancy Notice to the appropriate entities listed on the Vacancy Schedule (Attachment I). During the period that the Position Vacancy Notice is open, the Personnel Manager will accept applications for the position. It is preferable that a date for the deadline for submission of applications is stated on the Vacancy Schedule . If a deadline for submission of applications date is not initially selected on the Vacancy Schedule, the Chair will keep the Personnel Manager informed as to what date the advertisement should end. If a candidate is not selected from the first pool of applicants, then the position will be re-opened a second time. 8. All applications are to be submitted directly to the Personnel Manager. If any employee at MCCB were to receive an application, it is important that the application be physically delivered or forwarded to the Personnel Manager in order for the Personnel Manager to ensure inclusion of the application into the recruitment package. The Personnel Manager will accept applications by mail, email, or by hand delivery.
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