Section 2: Staff Employment
Title: MCCB Social Media Policy
Initial Date of Adoption: March 20, 2015
Code Number : 2.11
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MCCB EMPLOYEE SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY Social media includes, but is not limited to, personal websites, blogs, chat room and bulletin boards; social networks, such as Facebook, Flickr, Google Plus, LinkedIn, MySpace, Pinterest and Twitter; video sharing sites such as YouTube; and email. A. Any personal social media sites used by MCCB employees may not be represented as official MCCB or community college sites. MCCB email addresses should not be used to register for personal social media. MCCB employees should not pressure or coerce other employees to “friend,” “like,” or otherwise connect with them via social media. B. MCCB employees are prohibited from sharing false information or rumors about the MCCB, community colleges, or State; entities of the MCCB, community colleges, or State; or people working on behalf of the MCCB, community colleges, or State. If information is shared related to employment with the MCCB, community colleges, or State, it must be clear that views expressed are the MCCB employee’s personal opinions alone and do not reflect the views of the MCCB or any entities of the MCCB. Any comments or posts may only express personal opinions and not those of the MCCB, unless an employee is authorized to do so. C. Personal comments or postings on social media by MCCB employees must be consistent with these policies. Comments, statements, photographs, video, or audio that are discriminatory, harassing, or threatening, or that demonstrate other unlawful conduct should not be made toward other MCCB, community college, or State employees and clients or customers with legitimate business interests with the MCCB, community colleges, or State. The application of this policy should not be construed to infringe on any person’s rights of expression which are guaranteed by law. However, violations of this policy are subject to discipline, including termination as set forth in policy 2.8 of the Mississippi Community College Board Policies and Procedures Manual.
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