Section 3: Staff - Workplace
Title: Standing Employee Committees
Initial Date of Adoption: August 18, 2016 Revision Date: December 9, 2016
Code Number: 3.8
Page: 2 of 3
EMPLOYEE OF THE QUARTER COMMITTEE The Employee of the Quarter (EOQ) Committee shall be composed of five members appointed by the Executive Director and shall have the responsibility for managing the nomination, selection, and award process for the EOQ program. There shall be five (5) members. The Staff Officer I will be a standing member of the EOQ committee. The remaining four committee members shall be made up of representation of MCCB staff based on division make-up. The members shall serve for one year and are not eligible to receive the award during their year of service. To recognize outstanding employees of MCCB who embody the agency’s standards for excellence. x To reward those employees who show exemplary individual contribution and performance in their jobs. x To acknowledge those whose efforts have inspired and supported the performance and achievement of others. x To provide awards to such employees by a means that is fair, with equal consideration of all eligible staff, regardless of the level of responsibility within the agency. x To provide monthly recognition of an MCCB staff member who demonstrates: o A positive attitude toward work responsibilities, co-workers, and constituents, and serves as a role model for others; o Commitment to quality in carrying out job responsibilities, and is an asset to MCCB; o A willingness to exercise servant-leadership, serve as a role model, and accept and carry out additional responsibilities beyond regular job assignments for the good of the agency and the community and junior college system as a whole. Nomination and Selection Process of Employee of the Quarter 1. An email will be sent to staff from the Staff Officer I asking staff to submit nominations for Employee of the Quarter (EOQ). Initial email will include specific deadline date. 2. Nominations will be accepted two ways: 1. By submitting a hard copy to the Staff Officer I or 2. by submitting the form via the MCCB website (, selecting Human Resources, and clicking on the Employee of the Quarter form link on the screen. When the form is completed and the SUBMIT button has been selected, the form will be emailed directly to the Staff Officer I. Forms must be received by the deadline in order to be considered for that quarter’s award. 3. A candidate for the award must meet the following criteria : x Must have been employed for at least one year x Has not been selected EOQ within the past twelve months x Must not have any active disciplinary action pending and must not have had any disciplinary actions within the past twelve months x Has a positive attitude toward work responsibilities and co-workers and serves as a role model for others x Is productive, exhibits commitment to quality in carrying out job responsibilities, and is an asset to the staff of his/her department and the CJC system. x Is willing to take initiative, and accepts and carries out additional responsibilities beyond regular job assignments 4. Nominations may be made by any MCCB staff member. 5. Nominees who do not receive the award for the month in which they have been nominated may be nominated again, but will not automatically remain in the nomination pool. 6. The EOQ Committee will meet the first week of each awarding month to review nomination forms that have been submitted. Purpose of the Employee of the Month Award x
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