Section 8: Business Management
Title: Purchasing Procedures - General
Initial Date of Adoption: November 18, 1993 Revision Date: April 20, 2007; October 21, 2011
Code Number: 8.1
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The State of Mississippi has adopted stringent controls on the procurement of goods and services. The Office of Purchasing and Travel, Department of Finance and Administration, is responsible for supervising the procurement activities of all state agencies, departments, and institutions. The Office of Purchasing and Travel's regulatory activities include the purchase of all commodities, equipment, furniture, personal and real property, and construction and repairs. The purchasing regulations and guidelines are included within the Mississippi Agency Accounting Policies and Procedures Manual, which serves as a reference source for the Office. To ensure compliance with state law, the MCCB has mandated that all purchases shall be made through the officially designated department. In order to have a purchase made, the steps outlined in this manual must be followed. Any deviation from this policy may result in a violation of the State Purchasing Law. Whenever an employee wishes to have an item purchased, he or she must make the request on a Purchase Requisition. A properly authorized Purchase Requisition shall initiate the purchase of services, commodities and equipment. (See MCCB Form 3.12.) The item, quantity, requester's name and date, and the program to be charged must be completed on Form 3.12. Other information such as the price and vendor are helpful. A completed requisition should be given to the Director of Accounting for a signature as to the availability of funds. The Finance Director will forward the Purchase Requisition to the Executive Director or designee for his signature of approval to initiate a purchase order (if necessary). Once approved by the Executive Director, the requisition is given to the purchasing agent for the agency. The purchase of goods requested will be made after verifying the data and ensuring that the purchase will be in compliance with all state and federal guidelines. The purchasing agent will determine the proper purchasing mechanism to comply with guidelines and to ensure the most efficient means of delivery. Purchase regulations are to be followed on all merchandise purchased. This includes purchasing from state contract, solicitation of competitive bids and advertising. State law requires that written quotations are to be obtained on all items to be purchased between $5,000 and $50,000 unless the items are on state contract. The MCCB requires that at least two quotes be obtained on items less than $5,000, as a cost savings measure, unless the items are sole source or on state contract. When purchases exceed $50,000, written bids are required which must be advertised for at least two weeks. Items which are on state contract are required to be ordered from the state vendor unless an exemption is authorized by the Office of Purchasing and Travel, Department of Finance and Administration. Request for Purchase
The procurement of data processing equipment, software and services, and the procurement of telecommunications equipment, systems and related services must follow the policies and procedures as set forth by the Information Technology Service (ITS).
A purchase order will not be processed without a properly authorized and completed purchase requisition. A purchase order will be prepared when necessary by the purchasing agent. A copy of the purchase order will be transmitted to the requesting division at the time it is mailed to the vendor; a copy will also be forwarded to the receiving clerk when appropriate. (Refer to Receiving Goods below.)
A copy of the purchase order will be forwarded to the accounts payable processor to ensure that payment is properly made.
All communications with vendors, suppliers, etc., shall be made by or through the purchasing agent.
Sequentially numbered purchase orders are to be used and strictly accounted for by numbers.
No splitting of purchase orders or billings shall be made to avoid solicitation of bids or advertising for bids.
Any employee initiating the purchase of services, commodities and equipment without proper authorization and approval through the purchase requisition and purchase order process may be held personally liable, and/or terminated.
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