Section 3: Staff - Workplace
Title: Standing Employee Committees
Initial Date of Adoption: August 18, 2016
Revision Date: December 9, 2016
Code Number: 3.8
Page: 3 of 3
7. All Employee of the Quarter committee members will vote by way of a secret ballot based on the nominations received. The nominee receiving the most votes will be the EOQ. 8. One employee per quarter shall be selected. A candidate for the award must be an individual, not a department, division or other functional group of people. 9. A selection for EOQ will be decided, pending approval from nominee’s supervisors and verification by human resources personnel. 10. Staff Officer I will walk the selected nominee’s form to the nominee’s direct supervisor, Deputy Executive Director, and Executive Director to seek approval. 11. If the supervisor, Deputy Executive Director or the Executive Director has any concerns about the nominee, the EOQ Awards Given to Employee of the Quarter Award recipients shall receive: A visit from the members of the committee to present the award, where a picture will be taken for publication in internal communications venues. Introduction to Board Members at the monthly board meeting. A framed certificate. Inclusion on a perpetual engraved plaque to be prominently displayed in an appropriate location in the agency. Use of a parking spot #57 in the parking garage until a new EOQ is named. SOCIAL COMMITTEE The Social Committee shall be composed of five members and appointed by the Executive Director. Members must be contributors to the Social Activities Fund. Committee will meet again the same week to re-tally nominees. 12. EOQ will be announced the month proceeding the quarter.
Only those employees contributing to the social fund will be allowed to participate in agency social functions.
MCCB employees who participate in the Social Activities Fund will contribute $2.00 per month through payroll deductions. The monthly contributions will be collected and turned over to the Director of Finance and Accounting or the Grants Accountant/Benefits Coordinator, no later than the fifth working day of the succeeding month. Receipts for purchases must be provided in order to be reimbursed. Checks will be signed by the Executive Director AND the Deputy Executive Director of Finance and Administration OR the Director of Finance and Administration, but two signatures must be obtained. The Senior Accountant will serve as treasurer of the Social Activities Fund.
The following activities may be paid for through the Social Activities Fund: Traditional holiday occasions Quarterly birthday celebrations Ice cream sundae parties Wedding showers Baby showers Retirement celebrations
Funds may also be used for food, beverages, decorations, deposits, equipment, and facility rental.
In activities where gifts are purchased, the gifts will be funded separately through special donations by employees. If there is extra money available in the fund, it may be used for other activities at the discretion of the committee.
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