Workforce Project Policies

4. Partnerships with Adult Education, Career-Technical Education, and/or industry associations. 5. Delivery of training in the shortest time frames. 6. Creative use of facilities and flexible training periods (hours, days, nights, weekends, etc.).

Required Proposal Criteria and Instructions

Please limit your proposal to no more than fifty (50) 8 ½ x 11 typed pages, one-sided, single spaced. Each of the following items MUST be addressed in the proposal for it to be considered. Provide examples where appropriate to support activities. Please include headings for sections I – III.

Cover Sheet (0 pts – not included in the page limit): Include project name, College Name, and Contact Name, Title, Phone Number and Email.


Project Budget Description (9 points):  Provide tentative dates and timelines. (Program start date)  Provide a detailed proposed budget with narrative.


Projected Impact (10 pts): 

Describe how the proposed CTE Challenge Grant will contribute to increased trainees, per capita income, collaborative partnerships, business and industry growth, employability skills, curriculum alignment, and overall workforce development.  Include discussion of any resulting partnerships (such as with business and industry, WIN Job Centers, Industry Associations, etc.) and how those relationships might strengthen your ability to achieve CTE Challenge Grant objective. Outcomes and Results (25 pts):  Describe how outcomes and results from the Challenge Grant will be assessed and documented.  Describe how the Challenge Grant may be sustained at the completion of grant award.


Period of Performance

CTE Challenge Grants may be awarded for one year. All proposed FY 2018 grant activities must be completed by the end of the fiscal year, June 30, 2018 . Request for reimbursement of all FY 2018 expenses must be received by the MCCB by no later July 15, 2018. Arrangements can be made for expenditures to “split” fiscal years.

Evaluation of Submitted Proposals/Notification of Award

Proposals will be accepted on July 15, 2018 for FY 2018 award in October. Proposals will be evaluated and ranked by a four (4) member team consisting of MCCB staff and an industry representative. Evaluation of a submitted proposal will begin only after the


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