Workforce Project Policies

General Fund Projects

If a college desires to develop a training program beyond the scope of existing guidelines and therefore prohibits the writing of a standard training project, the college may submit a proposal to the MCCB to do so. The general criteria will include the determination that the training area(s) to be developed shall be unique in regard to the training offered and that there is a demonstrated need for such training. Such proposals shall be initially done via written correspondence with the MCCB.

Marketing Projects

The MCCB will establish a statewide marketing program to brand and promote the diversity and volume of training provided throughout the state. To assist in this effort 20 percent of current marketing funds shall be used to implement this initiative. Each college has $8,000 to promote training programs at their college. No equipment can be purchased unless it is directly used for the marketing of a program.

MDE – Workforce Projects

The MCCB will fund projects to support post-secondary workforce to provide technical assistance, professional development, and training materials.

Collaborative Consortia Project

In an attempt to continue to support statewide consortia, $1,500,000 is designated as collaborative consortia grant funding; with $500,000 available for each consortium. The fundamental priorities for the award of the funds are to expand use of multi-college consortia so that all Community and Junior colleges participate in a consortium. No health or life insurance benefits will be reimbursed. The following college consortia were recommended and approved by the workforce directors:

Mississippi Corridor Consortium

Crossroads Consortium

 Southern Mississippi Alliance for Workforce Solutions Consortium

Open to the Public Projects

The MCCB will fund projects to support workforce programs open to the public. These projects must properly identify the goals of the training program. At what level and rate of pay does a trainee of this program enter the job market? To what level can a completer of this program expect to attain in this field, and to what estimated rate of pay. Please


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