Workforce Project Policies

of the course(s). Reimbursement for on-line workforce training shall not exceed a rate of $250 per person per year. The maximum reimbursement per company in this category will be $20,000 per fiscal year. Online course(s) must be developed by the college or offered by a third- party provider, and must include proper documentation of actual cost. The name of the online training course(s) must be specified in the project. Reimbursement for online course(s) shall be reimbursed bi-annually or annually to allow for the calculation of a per person cost. However, this per person cost shall not exceed $250 per person per fiscal year. The following information will serve as documentation for monitoring purposes of the online course developed by the college: documented login times of the instructors/students, weekly reports by the instructors, the number of areas the instructors/students visited, sample emails sent to students from instructors, sample grade book or anything that can prove that instructors are providing instructions during the time frame. The following information will serve as documentation for monitoring purposes of the online course offered by a third party provider: completion reports from the third party provider system indicating name of student(s), name of course(s), start date, end date, completion date, and/or pass/fail of course(s).

Instructional Training Aids/Curriculum Development

During FY 2018, the Workforce Development Center Director may seek to provide the training manuals and videos, and other training materials through a public entity. Justification must be a part of the project, submitted under the educational materials and supplies section. Curriculum development hours for training aids or other materials development not covered above will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the MCCB. All materials must be retained by the college and not released to the industry.

Train-The-Trainer Cost

Costs are allowed for individuals to attend train-the-trainer sessions. Approved training in this area should provide the company with a resource to train employees in a discipline not currently available through the local community or junior college. A local college must demonstrate that the requested training cannot be reasonably provided by another community or junior college prior to seeking out of system providers. The Workforce Project Manager must include justification on the project application. The following information must be provided to justify the cost: Name of the provider, course(s) title, course instructor(s), and the name of the trainee. No more than two (2) individuals will be reimbursed to attend the same training in a non- production area. Cost associated with train-the-trainer sister plant training is limited to no more than four (4) individuals per production training area. Reimbursements per trainee will be limited to maximum of two (2) out-of-state trips per fiscal year.

The full cost of the registration should be listed in the project. Train-the-trainer costs shall be reimbursed at fifty percent (50%), not to exceed $500 per person for training


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