Workforce Project Policies
The Mississippi Comprehensive Workforce Training and Education Act of 2004 provides that the Mississippi State Workforce Investment Board (SWIB) shall “develop and submit to the Governor a strategic plan for an integrated state workforce development system to more effectively and efficiently meet the demands of Mississippi’s employers and job seekers”. Subsequently, the SWIB continuously works through a series of committees to create strategies and plans for Mississippi’s workforce development system in the form of Workforce Investment Plans in compliance with Title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, The Wagner-Peyser Act and various committee recommendations and actions. In concert with these efforts, the Mississippi Community College Board (MCCB) annually creates policies and procedures for the deployment of workforce training at each of Mississippi’s 15 public two-year institutions. The FY 2018 policies put forth in this document include and add operational detail to the most recent SWIB plans and recommendations for workforce development. The MCCB and the colleges view their primary role within the state’s workforce development system to be the provision of training, and therefore maintain the following goals: 1. to provide the citizens of Mississippi the skills needed to be more productive and have an improved quality of life, 2. to provide the employers of our state a better trained and educated workforce and, 3. to train for higher skilled and higher wage jobs for businesses, industries, and employees in our state. When possible, these goals are to be pursued as partnerships between employers and the local community or junior college, with shared costs. The policies listed herein represent the full and complete policies, as approved by the MCCB, to be followed in preparing and submitting all workforce projects. Exceptions to any policy must receive approval of the Executive Director of the MCCB or designee. Policy exceptions will be made on a case-by- case basis.
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